"Joyful Grown-Ups" centers around the original friend circle of Shen Yue, Wang Jingxuan, Wu Yuheng, and Zhou Yichen. The show allows the guests to plan and produce their own programs, aiming to discover the secrets of a "happy life" for contemporary young people. It encourages more young people to become happy adults together....
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories of athletics, water sports and general events....
In the lively town of Luxiang, an ordinary girl, Xia Mi, unexpectedly gains entry to the city’s top high school, where she meets three unique classmates: the outgoing Zhang Ruoxi, the steady top student Fan Yuan, and the kind-hearted Lin Ruolei. Together with a diverse group of friends, they embark on a humorous and heartfelt journey, navigating friendship, family, and first love. As they grow and pursue their dreams, they create an unforgettable story of youth and resilience....