A slice-of-life show that explores the lives of 5 quirky school teenagers who've just entered 11th Commerce, as they navigate friendships, heartbreaks, peer pressures, more importantly figuring out who they really want to be. All this in a society that finds it difficult to cope with the fast-changing Gen Z world....
Madhav Mishra is back to fight his toughest case yet nothing is simple and straightforward. Will justice win?...
A lighthearted story of 5 young, quirky but bickering cousins of old Delhi's Srivastava family, whose world turns upside down when a government notice dubs their house as illegal and gives them 30 days to vacate. The crazy, dysfunctional family must come together to save the family....
Godavari, an artisan, is globally famous for her handmade Paithani sarees. When she decides to retire, her daughter sets out to get her the gift of a lifetime - the last Paithani she wove....
In the merciless Chambal ravines, a regular girl must outwit hardcore dacoits to survive one night before any help comes her way....