A slice-of-life show that explores the lives of 5 quirky school teenagers who've just entered 11th Commerce, as they navigate friendships, heartbreaks, peer pressures, more importantly figuring out who they really want to be. All this in a society that finds it difficult to cope with the fast-changing Gen Z world....
Hustlers chronicles the journey of Sanjay Sharma as he chases his ultimate dream of 'Naam Kamana Hai' so that he can prove his worth to his family, specifically his father. When the real world throws its harsh realities at Sanjay, he finds quirky ways to fight them and twist the situation in his favor. But how far is he willing to go to make his dreams come true?...
A bunch of wealthy 19-year-olds plan a weekend at a Goa farmhouse for a photo shoot. But things go horribly wrong when the party spirals into danger, and suddenly, friends become enemies in a fight for survival....
Radhika is not having a good weekend. She’s on the verge of losing her crappy job for a shady credit card company, she can’t pay rent, and she has to go home for her sister’s wedding despite being estranged from the family. Once she arrives, it only gets worse. Her family is hiding a young boy possessed by a demon, and they expect her to help keep him secret from their, soon-to-be, very wealthy in-laws. As Radhika loses control of the demonic child and begins to show signs of possession herself,...