Comedystreet is a German entertainment show created by and starring comedian Simon Gosejohann. The show follows a hidden camera format. Gosejohann takes different roles with the intent of shocking passersby. Many sketches are filmed in North Rhine-Westphalia, especially in the Ruhr area and the cities of Dortmund and Essen. The show is sometimes filmed in Rhine-Ruhr in cities such as Düsseldorf. Other common locations are the islands of Sylt and Norderney. Some skits are also shot in foreign cit...
Based on Michel Houellebecq's controversial novel, Atomised (aka The Elementary Particles) focuses on Michael and Bruno, two very different half-brothers and their disturbed sexuality. After a chaotic childhood with a hippie mother only caring for her affairs, Michael, a molecular biologist, is more interested in genes than women, while Bruno is obsessed with his sexual desires, but mostly finds his satisfaction with prostitutes. But Bruno's life changes when he gets to know the experienced Ch...
You want to know your star Intimately? Then here's the opportunity. We have gathered the best and hottest cuts and with private and backstage footage well seasoned. Tyra is yours, as you want to see her!...
In the laboratory of Professor Hirsel Things get hot, because it grows. - Thanks to genetic engineering - a special form of featherless "hens" with tits and pussies. The picture Pretty things are willing to fuck and ready for every sin. The professor has fallen for one of his new varieties, and can not leave his cock out of her - - which in turn isn't without consequences....
Who does not dream about having that woman of his dreams within reality now?...
This extraordinarily exciting production was created against the dreamy backdrop of Ibiza. Enjoy Anja Juliette Laval and Tyra Misoux in scenes of rousing and crackling eroticism....
She is sweet to bite. She is beautiful and erotic. She is a star. A star who shows in this strip what she is made of - and that in the truest sense of the word....
Journalist Fabian Burstein looks behind the curtains of the porn industry. Starting in Budapest he heads westwards to explore a new world on its victory march rooted deeply in Austria. On this journey he meets the heroes and leading actors of this story: Austrians Mick Blue, Renee Pornero and Thomas Janisch. Porno Unplugged follows its native porn stars to where their lives happen. From east to west......