Follows teenager Xu Xingze, a passionate basketball player who aspires to join the Basketball Team of the regions top school after seeing their Star Player win the Final Four Tournament. When his sister accidentally enrolls him into a lesser school with a similar name, its up to Xu and his ragtag group of new friends to prove their worth and their skill on the Court against some of the top High School players in the Region....
A story that opens its doors to the Chinese dubbing industry for the first time and follows a rookie and her toxic boss. Xia Xiaoning is your average girl. She's not exceptionally pretty nor is she highly educated. By chance, Xiaoning who's an aspiring voice actress lands a job as Gu Chenyu's assistant. Gu Chenyu has a secret nobody knows. He's actually one of the best in the dubbing industry. Because Xia Xiaoning and Gu Chenyu are not made equal, their interactions are full of shenanigans. Ju...