A comedy-drama with a culinary twist, centered around the everyday experiences of Akari Fudeya, a food-loving writer, and her delightful interactions with her niece and nephew. (Source: MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Hanjuku Famiria Hara Peko Kyoudai no Jukusei Reshipi" (半熟ファミリア 腹ペコ兄妹の熟成レシピ) by Hatori Marie (羽鳥まりえ)....
Takumi, Mari, Masato, and many other people who work at Kikuchi Cleaning Shop are leading their daily lives as usual. One day, a customer visiting the store is suddenly killed by someone, they need to try to find out who the murderer is......
Released to commemorate Kamen Rider 555's 20th anniversary, the film takes place after the ending of the TV series. Masato Kusaka and Mari Sonoda are fighting a new iteration of Smart Brain led by Kitazaki, who begins an operation to exterminate all Orphnochs, with Takumi Inui seemingly working with them for unknown reasons since his disappearance....
During summer vacation Natsumi is busy studying for her entrance exams. One day, as a change of pace she plays baseball with her childhood friend, Yusho. He suggests that they invite someone else to join them but that makes Natsumi uncomfortable. The friend he was going to invite was her "former best friend" whom she had not spoken to in a while....