Los Serrano is a Spanish television drama comedy which premiered on 22 April 2003 and aired on Telecinco. It tells the story of the Serrano family, who lives in Round Santa Justa No 133, located in the fictional neighborhood of Santa Justa, in the Ribera del Manzanares, in Madrid. The success of the series in Spain and in several other countries in Europe and elsewhere helped launch the career of several young actors and actresses, especially actor and musician Fran Perea, who acts in the series...
Red Eagle is a series of adventure and intrigue on the courage, nobility, friendship and love. The protagonist is an unsung hero of justice of the seventeenth century, known by the nickname of Red Eagle, who helps the weak and who is determined to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder of his young wife....
A white-collar crook, an itinerant carnival vendor and other colorful characters keep on chugging through life while residing in a campground. They are down on their luck. They live in a campground. But these eccentrics still embrace their own joie de vivre....
Real life story of babies stolen from their mothers during the 1970s and their struggles during the following decades....
Three generations of women survive the east wind, fire, insanity, superstition and even death by means of goodness, lies and boundless vitality....
Caye is a young prostitute whose family is unaware of her profession. She meets her striking Dominican neighbour Zulema, an illegal immigrant, after she finds her in the bathroom, badly beaten up. They strike up a close friendship unbeknownst to Caye's xenophobic co-workers....
Early XVII century. A summit between France, England, Portugal and the Pope is to take place in Spain, home of the masked hero known as Red Eagle. The countries are coming together under the guise of looking for a solution to the conflict between Spain and Portugal; however, the ulterior motive is to attack the Kingdom of Spain. The Marchioness of Santillana and her fellow conspirators have hired an assassin to finish off the Red Eagle to guarantee the outcome of their plot. The townspeople and ...
Spain boils with tension, the country is totally polarized and social networks burn daily... The NEW LEFT and LIBERAL SPAIN parties face each other in the next general elections....
Xabi, a troubled boy, meets Iñaki, a member of the terrorist gang ETA who becomes his mentor and ideological inspiration. Some time later, Xabi is arrested for throwing a Molotov cocktail and confined in a juvenile detention center, where he meets Joel, a Mexican, and Driss, a Moroccan, with whom he manages to flee and reach Madrid with the purpose of finding Iñaki and joining the gang....
An on-again/off-again couple lays out their ideas on how their relationship should work....
Manuela and Rosario are two sisters who, after years of not speaking because of a family secret, find each other unexpectedly in the birthday party of their grandchildren. The kids have met thanks to their nannies, Trini and Milagros, best friends and neighbours. When they discover the conflict that separates the children, the nosy housekeepers will try, clumsily, lovingly and through silly shenanigans, to reconcile the families....
Agents from diverse Spanish local police forces are called to form a special team....
During a long night of August, some people have different experiences that leave a deep impression in them. Linked by a radio night show, all them cross the city of Barcelona, not knowing that their fates will collide with each other in unexpected ways....
A trigger-happy Nationalist fears retribution from the son of a man he executed. To mollify the boy's anger, he takes a drastic step: he keeps constant watch over the fig tree the boy has planted at his father's gravesite. As the years pass, the man's lonely vigil makes him a tourist attraction, much to the chagrin of his former colleagues....
A woman in a Catholic brotherhood in the south of Spain tries to be president in a world traditionally reserved to men....
A coming-of-age tale charting the first loves, lusts and obsessions of friends on vacation at the end of the 1970s....
A ruined businessman who lives as a homeless, struggles to recover the love of his daughter, whom he abandoned as a child and who is now almost a woman. He along with a peculiar group of vagabonds will become her guardian angels....
Spain, 2003. An accidental discovery leads Clarence to travel from the snowy mountains of Huesca to Equatorial Guinea, to visit the land where her father Jacobo and her uncle Kilian spent most of their youth, the island of Fernando Poo....
Lucía (Belén Rueda) is a woman for whom leading a model life and taking control of her life is the most important thing. Since she got married, she has focused all of her efforts on caring for her family, until achieving what for her is a perfect family. However, her entire world begins to collapse with the arrival of Sara (Carolina Yuste), the girlfriend of her son; a young girl with great freedom and without mincing words who has a very different family from what Lucia always dreamed of as a p...
A mysterious perfume offers Estela the chance to become the assured woman she always wanted to be. But when her desires start to come true she discovers something about her real essence....
“When dying is a way of life”. This is the synopsis of the short film, where mother and daughter (Luisa Gavasa and Pepa Aniorte), try to deal with the image of death in their daily lives, with humor, sarcasm, and all that mother-daughter relationships imply....