This comedic anthology mini-series follows the dynamic duo of Long Aotian and Liu Bo as they bring humor and heart to diverse self-contained stories....
A show based on the King Pro League program to convey the spirit of e-sports and team strength. The program will invite high-quality role models from sports circles, entertainment circles, e-sports circles and other fields to experience the sports charm of e-sports competitions with their love and pursuit of e-sports....
The little carpenter Supreme Jade, under the guise of being the "reincarnation of the Monkey King", embarks on a magical journey to find the Monkey King with the heroine Yueguang. The two of them act chivalrously and righteously along the way. Moonlight's trust in Supreme Jade grows day by day, but he finds it difficult to face himself. Lies told....
Do you still remember the person you liked when you were 17? Xu You, a southern girl with excellent grades, transferred to Linshi, accidentally became a deskmate with Xie Ci, a "school bully", and the two gradually entered each other's hearts in the midst of laughter and bickering, but faced with the trick of fate. Years later, the two return to the place where the story began, only to realize that the joy of youth is like apple-flavored lollipops, around and around or the first sweetest .........