We follow Isak, a young boxer who has been trained by his father Urban since childhood. When Urban is suddenly diagnosed with Alzheimer's, their world is turned upside down, leaving Isak without his beloved coach and mentor. Struggling with his father's rapid decline, Isak channels his frustration and determination into a plan to help Urban regain his memories. As he juggles his boxing career and the pursuit of his father's recovery, Isak discovers the true meaning of resilience and the unbre...
More than 100 years have passed. A mischievous letter lures the White Moon Drake to the secretive canals of Venice, where he finds himself on the trail of his beloved Hope. There, a malicious hide and seek play takes place through the Venetian squares and bridges until he is invited to a mysterious ball at last, only to be subjected to a dangerous psychological game with her very life and his existence at stake. The sequel and final part of this trilogy promises to unveil and reveal all previous...
More than 100 years have passed. A mischievous letter lures the White Moon Drake to the secretive canals of Venice, where he finds himself on the trail of his beloved Hope. There, a malicious hide and seek play takes place through the Venetian squares and bridges until he is invited to a mysterious ball at last, only to be subjected to a dangerous psychological game with her very life and his existence at stake. The sequel and final part of this trilogy promises to unveil and reveal all previous...