Sakuragi Miyabi is a high school student in Aomori. She lives with her lawyer grandfather and receives special education from him in the field of law. Sakuragi Miyabi soon becomes the youngest person to pass the bar exam on their first try. A decision is then made to send Sakuragi Miyabi to her grandmother in Tokyo, who works as a director of a law office. Sakuragi Miyabi begins to work as an apprentice lawyer at her grandmother’s law office. Despite her position, she still has the mindset of a...
Kuwazuru Mitsuki is a second year student at Arakawa Nishi High School. One day, her homeroom teacher, Tachibana, suddenly announces the start of the "Letter Game", where every student has to write a letter with his/her true feelings to each of the classmates. However, the "letter" will not include the sender's name. At first, there were a lot of bad jokes and silly "letters", but they slowly accelerate to revealing secrets and confessions, which make everyone question, "Who is the sender?" and ...