A team of four detectives with distinct personalities specializes in solving cold cases. Led by Luo Yingwei, the team includes gossip queen Cai Wenxin, determined Xia Luoyang, and quiet Feng Yi. Despite their differences, they work together to tackle complex cases and, with help from allies, face off against a powerful drug syndicate....
A story about unlocking the years of hurt and resentment that has caused the strained relationship between Xiao Dingquan and his father, the King. Despite his position as the crown prince, Xiao Dingquan (Luo Jin) was unloved and unfavored by his own father (Huang Zhizhong). Through countless incidents, he has grown into a man of wisdom and courage. After Qi Wang (Jin Han) was sent into exile, Xiao Dingquan intended to leave peacefully with Lu Wenxi (Li Yitong) but discovers that she is being th...