The show documents the simplistic lifestyle of living away from the bustling city centers. Each season takes place in a different rural part of China. The cast members are only provided with the basic life necessities and have to take care of everything else such as cooking their own meals and building their own furniture. To "buy" different cooking ingredients and other tools, they have to complete certain tasks assigned by the production crew, such as planting and harvesting crops. Different g...
Mao Xue Woof is a scene-based reality show variety show with the relationship of original friends as the starting point. The program takes friendship as the link, and takes "Mao Xue Woof's Home" as the main shooting scene, telling the real and interesting stories of Mao Bu, Li Xueqin and their friends who meet here every week, tearing apart the status quo of daily life in laughter, showing the rich youth life and spiritual world of young people and recording the real growth. The program is broad...
The male version of Sisters Who Make Waves. The show focuses on breaking the limit plus challenging oneself, and opening up the long-lost dream of being in a boy band for the brothers. Regarding the competition system, after three months of live-in training & subject assessment, the winning team will finally be born and make their debut in a group....
Taking look on the day-to-day work schedule of literary and art workers as the starting point, it uses the three stages of meeting, observation, and dialogue to demonstrate professionalism, moral character, and positive values. To promote the fighting spirit and creative spirit of professionals from all walks of life in a general way....