The story follows Feng Yu Ji, a woman living under an assumed name, who returns to the Shen household under the guise of her twin sister, the young mistress of the Shen family, to seek revenge for her sister. She gets close to Shen Tan Qian, the son of a wealthy merchant, and begins investigating the truth behind a long-buried murder case, ultimately revealing the true culprit and ensuring they face justice. Throughout this journey, Feng Yu Ji and Shen Tan Qian move from mutual distrust to open ...
In 1918 Shanghai, Zhong Wan and her classmate Xie Yibai join forces to organize literacy classes for dock workers. As they fight for workers' rights, they develop shared beliefs and aspirations, inspiring people and helping He Baoren during the turbulent times leading up to the May Fourth Movement....
Trainee Cupid He Sansan faces a high-stakes challenge to secure her promotion: she must help a mortal find their true love, with only three chances to succeed. As she navigates three lifetimes of love and heartbreak, Sansan uncovers a surprising truth about her destiny....