Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders on this journey filled with adventure and thrills. Animated Shorts by MiHoYo that are found on Bilibili and Youtube...
In a vanished civilization shrouded in dust, ancient giants seek their own paths to becoming emperors. Jiang Hao, a modern young man who was once just a pawn, sets foot into the prehistoric wilderness in search of his father's whereabouts. Armed with his incomplete "power bank" totem, he battles against humans, carving out a path from primitive tribes to mysterious ancient cities; he battles against the land, traverses the wilderness, hunting and killing ancient fierce beasts, learning ancient a...
Xiaobai finally found Xu Xian, the reincarnation of Axuan, after 500 years, the two met on the Broken Bridge. Xiaobai and sister hid in the streets and alleys, started a lively life in human world with him and his brother-in-law Li Gongfu....