In a vanished civilization shrouded in dust, ancient giants seek their own paths to becoming emperors. Jiang Hao, a modern young man who was once just a pawn, sets foot into the prehistoric wilderness in search of his father's whereabouts. Armed with his incomplete "power bank" totem, he battles against humans, carving out a path from primitive tribes to mysterious ancient cities; he battles against the land, traverses the wilderness, hunting and killing ancient fierce beasts, learning ancient a...
Zhang Xiaofan, who turned into an orphan overnight, becomes a disciple of the Qingyun Sect. After five years of training, he performs well in the Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition. He's sent to the Kongsang Mountain to defeat the evil. During the journey, he and his senior, Lu Xueqi, met with an accident, and got to know and save the lady of the cult, Bi Yao. At the same time, new danger is ahead of him....