The series evolves during a laid-back summer at a camping in Peloponesse, Greece. Takis is an entrepreneur who sets up and manages a campsite on a picturesque coast of the Peloponesse. He staffs the campsite with locals, including his cousin Mitsos who is a horse breeder and works as the riding instructor of the campsite. The series details the short-lived relations and interactions between campsite staff and guests, and especially the summer love of Mitsos with Samantha–an English tourist....
The story begins at the end of the first Kako movie. The survivors meet up with a group of other barricaded survivors and must take care of the zombies as well as other random Greeks that have taken advantage of the chaos, while shooting random moving targets (zombie or not). Throughout we take small flashback visits into ancient Greece where the zombie apocalypse has also happened and we learn how they faced them....
The film follows the parallel and entwining stories as well as the common fates of some very different young people for 24 hours in the summertime: from the prison to the corridors of the airport and from the Saronikos beaches to the Psiloritis mountain. The common characteristic of the heroes is that they have inherited from their nefarious parents various problems. In spite of the fact that they used to be neutral, due to specials conditions they will be forced to grow up....
Seven years after the incident in Pitta, all from the group leaves the Aegean, and get's to shore... Stavrakomathiakakis - after the mysterious kidnap of his 12 years old Pakistanian protégé Noori - leaves Psiloritis and, following her tracks, invades - in the middle of crisis - the capital. There, Parlavatzas and his chef, Papadakis, fight to salvage his Eastern fast food Sevdali restaurant. In the meantime hacker and "Roben Of The Shelves", Nakos, tries to wake up his fellow citizens to revolt...
Antonis always goes by train. He is in a rush to make it on time. His recent past keeps catching up on him. Reality does not allow him to escape the images. That's how it is. because that's how it goes. He couldn't give a damn about anything. He needs to pee. Dependent on his girlfriend just as he's on himself. He doesn't owe anything to anybody....
As Georgios Vizneyos, one of Greece's greatest authors, degenerates in an Athens mental asylum, the tale of another story-teller, his grandfather, begins to emerge through his mad ramblings. This lavish film recreates (through his own words) the writer's childhood life, rich with fantasy and legend. Apprenticed to a tailor, young Georgios' mind is filled with his grandfather fairy tales. He ponders the hill from which one can climb into the sky and waits each day for the chance to bring clothes ...