Asian Treasures is an action-adventure Philippine drama aired and produced by GMA Network starred by Angel Locsin and Robin Padilla, and was directed by Eric Quizon. This show is all about Asian History. It was the first Philippine drama shot in multiple countries such as Mongolia, Thailand and China. Its pilot episode, which garnered a 41.8% rating, aired on January 15, 2007. It was the most expensive TV series ever produced in the Philippine television costing more than 140 million pesos, ro...
Totoy Bato is a boxing-themed Philippine drama from GMA Network, based on the graphic novel created by Carlo J. Caparas, that depicts the remarkable story of an ordinary person named Totoy Magtanggol, played by Robin Padilla, becoming a skillful boxer and conquering injustice with bravery and compassion. The series premiered on February 23. This is considered to be the first Indie Television Show for Robin's own crew in the production and blocking the powers of the management to control the show...
Joaquin Bordado is a Philippine drama-action series produced by GMA Network. It is a television adaptation of a famous comics serial of Carlo J. Caparas. It features Robin Padilla in the title role, with Iza Calzado, Ian Veneracion and Eddie Garcia. The series premiered February 11, 2008 and concluded on July 11, 2008....
Kailangan Ko'y Ikaw is a 2013 Philippine television drama aired on ABS-CBN from January 21 to July 5, 2013. It stars Kris Aquino, Anne Curtis, and Robin Padilla. The drama is scheduled to run for 13 weeks with a total of 63 episodes....
Guns and Roses is a Philippine action drama romance series that aired on ABS-CBN from June 6, 2011 to September 23, 2011 starring Robin Padilla, Bea Alonzo and Diether Ocampo. This is Robin Padilla's second action primetime series in the network, following the television series Basta't Kasama Kita, which concluded eight years ago. This is the first team up with Bea Alonzo as his leading lady and Diether Ocampo in a TV Production....
A story about two lookalikes, Ramona, Mona for short and Lisa. Lisa is a rich, strict and hardworking woman while Mona survives as a bet collector in cockfights. While Lisa is stylish and couth, Mona is tomboyish and rustic with a kind and loving heart for both her parents and friends. The two cross paths when Lisa's father, Juancho arranges a marriage for her with a rich business man, Martin Co, but Lisa is against it and goes into hiding under one of her workers, Leo Tabayoyong...
This is a true-to-life story of Turoy Delima, the fugitive leader of Cebu City's dreaded sea pirate gang that carries his name....
As modern man continues to plunder our environment, the Engkantos prepare for a battle to protect what is left....
Witness the soldiers who risk their lives for the protection of the people. Giving up their personal hapiness to respond to the call of duty, the dedicated servicemen encounter tremendous excitement in the battlefield as the conflict between Christians and Muslims soar in Mindanao. A heartwarmng story about camaraderie and dedication....
Señor Manuel is an elderly gentleman who falls in love with the charming Luisa, a confidence trickster posing as a rich socialite. In preparation for their upcoming wedding, Señor Manuel takes Luisa back to see his hacienda and introduces his new fiancé to the staff. Among which is Gabriel, Manuel's right-hand man, who is not only well respected by the town’s people, but is also the one person that Señor Manuel trusts the most. Likewise, Gabriel cares deeply for the old man and is very protectiv...
The owner Gil Blanco (Robin Padilla) lives alone with his 7-year-old son Niño ( John Michael Reyes ). Since his wife Rose was separated from him, he drowns his frustration in alcohol and suffers from blackouts, after which he can only remember spongy operations. One day he wakes up after a blackout and remembers that he has crossed Isabel (Ella Guevara), the daughter of a tenant Belen (Iza Calzado). He finds her dead body in the trunk and places them next to the water tank. Now his life is slipp...
A decent man becomes a psychotic killer as he avenges the murder of his loved ones....
A follow up on the big hit Utol Kong Hoodlum...
The film tells the life of Colonel Billy Bibit from his days as a cadet to his exploits as a young officer and one of the heroes of the Philippine Revolution...
An interior designer is compelled to get along with her cousin's fiancé to fulfill her wishes. But guilt soon washes over them as they begin to develop feelings for each other....
Behind his bad boy image, Ben (Robin Padilla) has a big heart. The modern day Robinhood collects grease money from jeepney drivers on behalf of the syndicate. He gets a meager amount in return which he uses to feed his adoptive parents whom he loves dearly. One day his boss Salazar (Mark Gil) proposes that he kidnap children who come from wealthy families. The offer would be financially rewarding, but Ben refuses it. Because Salazar is desperate, he kidnaps Ben's loved ones and the only way...
After he was released from prison, Bombo vowed never to allow himself to take part in any form of violence again. He just wants to live a simple life and spend all his time watching over his wife Cecile and his daughter. Now he stays in the remote town of Sta. Fe where two warring families are at the height of attacking each other. And just when he was mending his ways and trying his best to be good an incident involving his wife and daughter forces him to turn back from being upright. Now B...
Senator Gabriel Alcaraz is preparing to deliver a privilege speech alleging corruption in the highest levels of government. On his way to the Senate, he gets wind of a plot against him. The police seek to arrest him for his part in an operation decades ago. Suspecting that the administration isn’t willing to give him a fair trial, Alcaraz goes into hiding abroad, hoping to find a way to clear his name and eventually return to his family. Back home, an old colleague is put in charge of finding hi...
Romano and his men are ambushed in one military operation. Romano almost gets killed but wakes up after staying in coma for several days. His life will never be the same again. He resigns from the military and goes into seclusion in their Baguio ancestral house after realizing that he now has a supernatural gift....
Francine Natra is a popular singer enjoying the peak of her career. But due to stardom and her hectic schedules she suffers from enjoying a simple life on her own. Meanwhile Guillermo "Gimo" Talumpati lives his ordinary life as an auto mechanic taking care of his family and specially Ging-Ging, her sister with down syndrome. Their fate crossed when a promo contest called "Date With A Star" makes Gimo the winner to take the popular Francine on a special date....
Dra. Baby Holmes is a veterenarian who left her long time boyfriend after she discovered he has been deceiving her. Realizing that her biological clock is ticking fast, she desperately searches for the perfect guy who will mary her. Roberto “BOY” Reye is a single fireman with a son born out of wedluck. Generous to a fault, Boy is considered a small town hero. Every time someone needs help, the entire neighbourhood runs to him. By chance, Baby saves Boy’s life and to show his gratitude, he offe...
A story about Carding Sungkit, an ex-convict who just got out of the joint....
Monique is a popular singer disguised as Digna to escape from her stepfather and his stepbrother Gilbert, who slowly killed her mother and also wanted to kill her to seize their wealth. Gilbert and his father thought Monique is already dead until he met Monique in a restaurant as a waitress. Due to this, Gilbert hunts Monique to get her killed. While trying to escape Gilbert's men, she accidentally met Carding, a thief in Ermita with his sidekick Libag. Their love story begins while she stays wi...
A man takes the law into his own hands when his wife's rapists are released from prison on a technicality, only to be possessed by the spirits of the criminals....
A story about a man who has lots of different women and families....
After spending a couple of years behind bars, Lando wins back his freedom. But his prison record has incapacitated him from landing a job. Fortunately, a friend of his knows someone who needs a driver and a bodyguard desperately. But that someone turns out to be Mariel, the very woman whom Lando has had an encounter with. Desperate for a job, Lando agrees to work for Mariel despite his negative impression of her. As expected, their working relationship is as stormy as it can get. But love works ...
In 1970s Mindanao, a man and his family take arms to defend the people against those who would oppress them....
The true story of Andres Bonifacio, a man who rose as a leader in the fight against the Spanish oppressors, and would gain the enmity of even those fighting for the same cause....
Carding is an ex-convict trying to start anew outside the bars and got a job as a taxi driver. However, just as he swore not to get involved in any illegal activities, a young woman Kristine rented his taxi cab as a getaway vehicle in a in a staged abduction, where she played as the hostage. As Carding put his best foot forward to save her from the kidnappers yet policemen mistook him as one of the crooks. For the second time around, he got arrested. Carding escaped from the jail and found out K...
For years, mob boss Don Julio has been the target of police investigation, led by honest cop Col. Alano. Quite a number of police deep penetration agents (DPA's) have been placed into Don Julio's organization. But somehow, Don Julio manages to find and kill them. Except for one. With the suspicion that an insider from their ranks have been tipping Don Julio of the DPA's identities, Col. Alano sends in agent Nick Abeleda without the knowledge of his superiors....
Dario is a disgruntled ex-cop who gets discharged from his job two years ago when he obeys the order of his superior, Superintendent Villa to take the syndicate master, Johnny Estrella to a safe-house instead on the police station. Superintendent Villa is under orders of Johnny. The crook escapes. Now Dario lives as an informal security man in a bar he frequented during his officer days. Marian is a young novice who is taking month long break from the convent. She finds out that her older sister...
Eight cops are organized into an anti-vice squad. They risk their lives and test their brotherhood in every mission they accomplish....
An assassination attempt by rebels on a police officer was foiled by ex-convict....
Jess Huson has a dream like many other struggling Filipinos, he dreams of a better life for himself and his family in America. After he is rejected, Jess embarks on a comical adventure filled with crazy schemes and ludicrous plans that end up in hilarious train wrecks that can only happen, where else, in the Philippines....
Pepe upon the order of his father did not want anything to do with boxing, after all it was boxing which took his brother’s life. But the easy money involved in the sport attracted him when he was desperate to pay off a long standing debt he incurred during the accident of his dad....
A boy grows up not knowing his real identity. One day a mysterious lady, claiming to be his real mother, divulges the truth about his roots. He is caught between leaving his past and living his new life....
In this magical movie, an overseas Filipino worker named Badong Bulaong (Robin Padilla) returns in the country after working in the Middle East. Upon his arrival, he was swindled of his belongings and was only left with a bottle he picked up in Saudi as a souvenir. To top it all, he discovered that his girlfriend has fallen in love with a basketball player. In his despair, he threw the bottle to the wall and from there came out a genie named Jeannie (Judy Ann Santos). And just like in fairy tale...
Abet Razalo and Ana Maria Gomez were childhood sweethearts. They find each other again, only this time they have to deal with each other on a professional level - Abet is now Anas bodyguard, and he is tasked to watch over her, now a phenomenally successful singer-actress because she is threatened by an obsessed fan. Abet also learns of Anas engagement to Vince Madrigal, a handsome billionaire. As the situation turns more complicated, the two of them are obliged to spend more time with each other...
Two former high school friends Patty and Cocoy find each other unexpectedly 30 years later, not only as organizers of their high school reunion, but also as new neighbors. Patty and her daughter Yanni's quiet lives then get an unexpected shake-up when love—in the form of Cocoy and his nephew Jason —comes knocking on their door....
Anghel and Angelica are two people from two different worlds. Anghel is serving his sentence and is confined in the National Penitentiary while Angelica is a graduating student at the prime of her life. When she goes to the Penitentiary, she sees Anghel and is intrigued by him. She learns that he is well respected by his mates and that his word is considered as law inside the Billibid. At first, Anghel is annoyed by her presence but he later grows fond of her. Eventually, the people around them ...
Elcid (Robin Padilla) and his buddy, Tembong (Dennis Padilla), decided to go to the capital city of the Philippines, Manila to search for greener pasture but they encounter a series of setbacks and misadventures....
“Tum: My Pledge of Love” tells the love story of two people hindered by their respective cultural beliefs and threatened by people around them. In the end they come to the crossroad of their emotions, To choose whether or not they are meant for each other. But aside from the love story, the film also shows the rich culture of India....
A troublesome gang member recruited by his godfather is framed for a crime he did not commit. Now he goes to the extreme to survive this deadly situation....
A young hoodlum spawned and raised by a tough neighborhood goes out looking for love and an escape from the harsh realities of everyday life....
True to life story of Randy Padilla....
An action and romantic movie starred by Robin Padilla and Sharon Cuneta....
A 1988 Filipino romantic drama anthology film starring the hottest love teams of the time: Lotlot de Leon and Ramon Christopher star in Till Death Do Us Part; Tina Paner and Cris Villanueva team up in Invisible Lover; and Manilyn Reynes and Janno Gibbs pair up in Eternally....
Lynette is a conservative and religious lady who leads a boring life. So when she gets a marriage proposal from Manuel, whose family is known to be a brood of chauvinists, she was ecstatic....
After losing his job for nearly losing a cargo of gold bars to hold-uppers, Gatdula finds himself working as a bouncer in a night club. There he meets and is smitten by Varga, a college coed forced by poverty to work as a ramp model....
A 1995 Filipino action comedy film starring Robin Padilla and Andrew E....
The dramatization of the life of General Ronald dela Rosa....
Follow an attractive feline saleslady at a department store as she figures in a love triangle between her mongrel janitor boyfriend and her high society businessdog....
Gagay (Gelli de Belen) and her family are gathering woods which they make into coal. Though they were poor, they already saw some improvement in their lives. This is the Cinderella story for the brown-out plagued generation of this country....
Twins Anton and Elmo form an uneasy truce to take down big time smuggler Laroza and his henchmen....
Romano is a soldier who swears never to take up arms again when his father was killed. When he finds out from insurgents about the identity of her father’s killer, he comes back for the ultimate vengeance....
Paolo Guerrero is a former criminal who is trying to live a peaceful life in Mindanao. He gets entangled again in a web of crime when he comes back to Manila....
Astigmatism an experimental digital film written and directed by independent filmmaker Jon Red. Shot on mini-digital video it stars Robin Padilla and tells the story from the point of view and through the eyes of Bien an assassin who suffers from astigmatism....
In 1985, jeepney driver Ulysses "Boboy" Alega loses his vehicle just as he needed money to pay his rent and buy medications for his child. After he accidentally shoots and kills a person during a fight, Boboy is then imprisoned and tortured by the police. With his release from prison, Boboy eventually joins a group involved in arms smuggling, and after some time its members come to consider him as their leader....