Familie Heinz Becker is a German television series that aired from 1992 through 2004. The show revolves around the lives of Heinz Becker and his family, as well as those of neighbors and onlookers, although the focus of the series changed over the course of the series. In the first season, much of the humor was derived from Heinz's petty behavior; the character of his wife, Hilde, was not played for laughs. During seasons 2-4, Hilde's character became more naive but was devoted; much of the humo...
Liebling Kreuzberg was a television series on ARD, which was sent in five seasons with a total of 58 episodes the first time from 1986 to 1998. The scripts of seasons one through three and five were from Jurek, of his friend Manfred Krug wrote the role of idiosyncratic Berlin attorney Robert favorite on the body, the fourth season was written by Ulrich Plenzdorf. Director Heinz Schirk, Werner Masten led and Vera Loebner. Producing Series transmitters were the SFB, the NDR and WDR. The music of ...
Abenteuer Airport was a German television series broadcast in 1990. It was an airport adventure series; 12 episodes were produced....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
The life of British MI6 spy Magnus Pym, from his school days to his mysterious disappearance....
Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them....