The Adventures Of Blinky Bill is an animated television series based on Dorothy Wall's books about Blinky Bill. The series is produced by Yoram Gross. Set in Greenpatch, a fictional Australian town, the series presents stories of conservation and nature through the activities of Blinky Bill and his family and friends....
I Got a Rocket is an Australian animated series centered on a boy named Vincent "Vinnie", who received a rocket for his 13th birthday. The rocket was also given a personality, acts as a best friend to Vinnie and is fond of assisting him. Although the series was short-lived, it received a 2008 Emmy Award for "New Approaches - Daytime Children's Entertainment". I Got a Rocket was originally a book by Matt Zurbo, but was converted into an animated series. It features the voices of Thomas Bromhead ...
At Home with Julia takes you into the life of PM Julia Gillard and boyfriend Tim Mathieson, behind the closed doors of The Lodge into the private life of perhaps our greatest PM since Kevin Rudd....
The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, p...
Who do you call when in fairy tale land there's a crime being committed? The F.T.P.D.. Two crack detectives named Kris Anderson & Johnny Legend solve all the cases involving our beloved & favorite characters from the well known fairy tales....
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital....
This nautical story of star-crossed lovers kicks off when the Captain of the H.M.S. PINAFORE makes arrangements for his daughter to marry the Lord Admiral of the Navy. However, problems ensue when his daughter reveals she’s in love with a low-ranking seaman aboard her father’s ship. Ironically, the Captain finds himself in a similar position with a dockside vendor called Little Buttercup. The whole situation is turned on its head when Little Buttercup reveals a game-changing secret she has kept ...
Dot ventures out into the bush determined to finally locate the little lost joey and reunite him with his mother. On her way she meets a silly bunny rabbit who tries to convince Dot that he is the joey she is looking for. Dot is delighted by his antics and names her new companion 'Funny Bunny'. Together they continue the search for the joey. On the way Dot learns that Funny Bunny is really a very lonely rabbit. His family were killed by hunters and he has been on his own ever since. They find mo...
Proud and classy Caddie Marsh is forced to get a job as a barmaid and raise two children on her own after her husband walks out on her....
In this magical film Dot joins up with Santa Claus in order to help her friend the mother kangaroo find her lost baby. The pair take off into the air in Santa’s sleigh led by two kangaroos and travel the world searching for the zoo where the lost kangaroo has been sent....
Doctors and Nurses is a gimmick film, a down under age reversal trick in the style of Alan Parker's 'Bugsy Malone'. A bunch of kids play the game of Doctors and Nurses - of the inoffensive dress-up kind - tending a bunch of adults suffering from a variety of ailments....
When he discovers the world is about to end, a lovestruck teen makes it his mission to bed the girl he has fallen for....
A story based on true events about two explorers on a doomed journey trying to cross Australia on foot in the 19 century....
In a small Japanese town, Ko-Ko is appointed to the unenviable position of executioner. Knowing he must successfully perform before the appearance of the Mikado in a month's time, Ko-Ko finds a suitable victim in Nanki-Poo, who is distraught over his unrequited love for the maiden Yum-Yum. Nanki-Poo agrees to sacrifice his life if he is allowed to spend his remaining days with Yum-Yum, who is betrothed to Ko-Ko....
This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, 50's singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the...
Underrated leading man Jeff Fahey carries most of the dramatic weight of the Australian Wrangler. Fahey plays a handsome, athletic businessman who vies for the hand of rancher's daughter Tushika Bergen. Our hero must not only contend with his romantic rival, a dashing but dangerous cattleman, but also with a villainous creditor who craves the land left to Bergen by her late father. By nature of its plotline and setting, Wrangler can't help but invite comparisons to the popular The Man From Snowy...
Two brothers working as news cameramen for competing companies in '50s Australia find their lives dramatically affected by the constantly changing times in which they live....
It tells the story of a young female social worker who begins work at a hospital for retarded children, and discovers that some of the psychological problems attributed to these children are incorrectly diagnosed. Proving this to be the case is difficult, however, as it is generally accepted that as those who are 'profoundly retarded' cannot communicate, therefore they cannot think. In the case of Annie O'Farrell (Tina Arhondis), finding a way for her to 'talk', other than speaking or writing, ...
Australian ABC TV children's educational program shows how a TV show actor is cast and works to create an episode of a TV program....
Travelling North tells the story of Frank, a crotchety old man with an unending zest and passion for life and Frances his much younger companion travelling to Queensland to enjoy their retirement and each other. Unfortunately the North cannot calm Frank's complex personality and Frances watches helplessly as Frank struggles to understand his own emotional and physical limitations....
Two best friends, Vietnam War veterans-turned-stuntmen, are sent as spies to the Philippines on a top secret mission for the Australian government....