¡Mira Quien Baila!, also known as MQB, is a Spanish-language reality show airing on Univision in the United States. The show is part of the Dancing with the Stars franchise. The show involves celebrities being paired up with professional dancers. Each couple performs ballroom or Latin dances and competes for judges' critiques and audience votes. Whichever couple receives the lowest total amount of judges' critique and audience votes is eliminated until a champion is named at the end. Each celebr...
A prosperous businessman used to getting his way with women to boost his ego. He receives his comeuppance when he wakes one morning in the body of a woman. Desperate to revert to his original body, he struggles to protect his job and his relationships with his family and his best friend....
Llena de amor is a Mexican Spanish-language soap opera, produced by Televisa, that began airing in 2010. It is a remake of the 2002–2003 Venezuelan telenovela Mi Gorda Bella, which itself was inspired by the 1999–2001 Colombian telenovela Yo soy Betty, la fea. Llena de amor is about Marianela, an overweight girl, played by Ariadne Díaz, who is caught up in a set of family intrigues when she moves in with her aunt and uncle after becoming an orphan. The show premiered on May 3, 2010 in Mexico. I...
Mi pecado is a Mexican telenovela that was produced by Televisa and aired on Canal de las Estrellas from 15 June 2009 through 13 November 2009. Starring Maite Perroni, Eugenio Siller and as adult protagonist Daniela Castro who is also the main villain. Mi pecado tells the story of young lovers Lucrecia and Julián, who are torn apart by their feuding families following the tragic death of Lucrecia's brother César when the three are just children....
After causing the death of her millionaire husband Carlos, Catalina Creel, whose great beauty is only surpassed by her cruelty, will go to any lengths to secure her fortune and bloodline....
Sofía López-Haro returns unexpectedly to Acapulco after leaving mysteriously the year before. Her best friend, Bárbara Fuenmayor, angry that she has always been forced to live in Sofía's shadow, is not happy with her return, especially after discovering that before leaving Acapulco, Sofía had slept with her boyfriend, Nico....
The Greek Olimpian Gods engage in the human life experience to its full intensity, for which they choose Mexico City's trendy night club: "Olimpus Dancing Club". Once living in the mortal's world, the naughty Eros (with help of a gang of ill-behaved gods), is responsible for unleashing a forbidden passion that disrupts the lives of the members of two families of not-so-simple mortals....
When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines....