Strisser på Samsø is a Danish television series in 12 episodes, written and directed by Eddie Thomas Petersen. Produced by Per Holst Filmproduktion, it was first broadcast on TV2 in 1997-1998. The story tells how Christian Torp, a police officer who has lost his wife in an unsuccessful robbery, brings his daughter Sille to the Danish island of Samsø looking for peace and quiet. They have difficulty in integrating into a society full of problems where everyone knows everything about everybody, bu...
In a small Danish town, we meet two generations of women. 61-year-old Solvej and the 17-year-old Kate. Their meeting kickstarts an unlikely friendship, as the wounds of the past are revealed and the seeds of hope are sown....
Karl Åge and Regitze host a summer garden party for close friends, their son, and his family. Karl Åge is quiet, detached; Regitze is spirited, lively. He thinks back: love at first sight during the war, living together unmarried, her mother's hunger strike when they won't baptize their son. Regitze is passionate and forthright; she speaks her mind. He remembers her inviting a derelict for Christmas dinner, and the man shows up with five bashful friends. He recalls her taking on their son's teac...