Sin Senos no hay Paraíso is a RTI Colombia–Telemundo remake and loose adaptation of the original Colombian series Sin Tetas No Hay Paraíso. The series is based on investigative journalist Gustavo Bolivar's debut novel and features an attractive young prostitute who desires to have massive breast implants in order to attract a rich cocaine smuggler. It is also based on a true story. The series premiered on June 16, 2008;...
The experiences of a group of young people interned at the Life Institute of Knowledge and Evolution (LIKE), a prestigious and cosmopolitan educational institution, with a supposedly modern and open educational system, but in reality it is deeply traditional and schematic....
Victorinos is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo. It debuted on June 23, 2009, replacing Sin Senos no hay Paraíso and concluded February 5, 2010. The telenovela is a remake of the 1991 RTI Colombia weekly series Cuando Quiero Llorar No Lloro, which in turn is based in the homonymous 1970 novel by Venezuelan writer Miguel Otero Silva. Ramiro Meneses, who is currently directing the Telemundo telenovela, starred as one of the Victorinos i...
A cleaner woman with vocational street dancer tries to recover her long-stranded son that she gave for adoption, a former CEO who lost everything, including his memories....
Viviana and Alicia have never met, but they're about to get intimately acquainted. One day, while tipping drinks back in a bar, the two women strike up a conversation that quickly turns personal, Viviana is locked in an abusive marriage, and Alicia's female lover, Lorena, has recently fallen for another woman. As the two women strangers find common ground in their lives, they enter into a secret pact to kill the people who have made their lives a living hell. Seductive, bloody and shocking even...