The show stars two rats, Rapido and Razmo, aboard the S.S. Wanderer, a cheese ship with no actual destination. The focus of the series is on the adventures of the two rats, including guarding the cheese, interacting with other stowaways and various ill-fated encounters with the crew. The rats themselves live in the hull of the ship in a lavish two-bedroom apartment....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based on the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style. This short series contains many sources of various equipment and secret places from Dofus, Wakfu, and Wakfu: The Guardians...
Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based on the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style. This short series contains many sources of various equipment and secret places from Dofus, Wakfu, and Wakfu: The Guardians...
Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based on the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style. This short series contains many sources of various equipment and secret places from Dofus, Wakfu, and Wakfu: The Guardians...
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
There is a world with two towns that are big enemies: Pyross and Hydross....
Noximilien is just a failed inventor in need of recognition, nevertheless a simple but happy clockmaker with a wife and three children. He is a good father and lucky enough to be loved by his wife Galanthe, who covers him with her affection. But one fine day, everything changes when he discovers a magic cube, the Eliacube, at the bottom of a cave. Intrigued by the artefact, Noximilien decides to study it, rushes into a downward spiral and becomes addicted to its power....
A biomechanical fusion between Marlene, a secretary who has been working for thirty years, and the x3000 model printer, will give rise to a new generation of workers: the senior 3000. The revolution in the world of work is underway!...
The CEO of a company specialized in hybrid chicken production presents its new type of chicken at a cocktail party organized by City Hall, but not everything goes according to plan....