Wheel Squad is an animated television series produced by M6 Metropole, RAI, and France Animation. The show involves four kids who like riding skateboards, mountain bikes, roller skates, and so forth. They also protect their community from vandals and greedy businesspeople....
Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake Titeuf, "Tootuff" in the English translation) and his vision of the adult world & themes such as love, sex, seduction and mysteries about the girls. In this film, Titeuf (Donald Reignoux) is off on a new comedic adventure! Things get complicated when Nadia (Melanie Bernier) doesn’t invite Titeuf to her birthday party, which is surely the most horrible mo...
The students of a local school unite in mutiny against their headmaster and two teachers....