Caro maestro is an Italian television comedy series which aired from 1996 to 1997 on Canale 5. The series follows Stefano Giusti, a bus driver who is allowed to teach at Forte dei Marmi elementary school in which he was raised. There, he meets and falls in love with Elisa, teacher and director of the school, with whom he used to date....
Cascina Vianello is an Italian television series....
I misteri di Cascina Vianello is an Italian television series....
Ciao Darwin is a variety game show format from Italy sold under licence to several countries, including Romania, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Canada, USA, China and Greece. There are two competing teams of about 50 people each, usually made up of people who fit certain opposing stereotypes. In each game two members of the audience are selected at random, one from each team, indicated by a light in front of them which remains illuminated when all the other team members' lights have gone off. The ga...
Five episodes about women drivers during the economic boom....
A series of comical sketches featuring a doctor, a travelling salesman and some posh gents....
A young Italian sailor enrolled in the Italian Navy meets in Rome the Princess Liu, betrothed to a nobleman in Tokyo....
A clothing merchant Ofelia, a naïve housewife Rina, and the outspoken nurse Edna meet at a police station and discover that they share a failed sentimental life....
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?...
A jockey buys his favorite horse....
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach....
Roberto Maldi, a young scientist, is trying to find a serum capable of giving courage but he unwittingly invents a serum which transforms any man in a womanizer. His boss scents a good business and wants to produce the serum on industrial basis, but Roberto does not agree....
Two boxing promoters travel via time machine back to the days of Hercules, who must save them from Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde....
Thirty Italian singers from the sixties sing their hits....
A young woman gets closely watched by her jealous fiance while she is trying to deliver cakes to customers' houses....
A group of vignettes about men, mostly married, scheming to get women and the funny ways the schemes play out....
Two competing teams of paparazzi try to enter a college to get a picture of an Arab Prince's fiancée....
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage....
Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested....
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society....
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women....
Two jerks are enlisted in the Italian army during W.W.1 and by pure luck manage to help win an important battle....
Teo, a young theatre stand in, is offered a faustian pact by the devil: if he pushes a button a Chinese mandarin will die and leave his money to him. Teo seems to be tempted by the offer......