A story spanning 40 years that follows the struggles of three generations of farmers and rural cadres. Before the reform, the people of Fengyuan village suffered from starvation in spite of the countless honors that they had received. A higher-up has been sent to conduct inspections in the village, so preparations have been made to supply each household with food and rations that will have to be returned once the inspector leaves. Young farmer Qin Xue'an is appalled at the harsh reality. He mak...
Unexpectedly dumped by her movie-mogul husband of 10 years, Molly Kagen must reassess her life and her friends when she finds herself on the outside of the elite circles she once commanded....
Home with Kids, is a sitcom/drama from Mainland China. Unlike most Chinese multi-camera sitcoms, Home With Kids prominently uses child actors as main roles....
"In the Name of People" is a Chinese television drama adapted from Zhou Meisen's novel.Set in the fictional city of Jingzhou, the series revolves around the intense anti-corruption efforts led by prosecutor Tian Guofu and anti-corruption officer Sha Rui Jin. As they investigate a series of high-level corruption cases, the drama unfolds a complex web of political intrigue and power struggles. Widely acclaimed for its compelling characters and tightly-woven plot, the show sparked significant socia...
When Shuai Jiamo, who is obsessed with mathematics, stumbles upon a historical problem in Jinhua County, he was met with multiple obstacles in his attempts to correct the mistake, triggering a tension between various stakeholders....
32-year-old Yang Tao is a beautiful single lady who works as a hotel manager. Yang Tao's mother is anxious for her to settle down to start a family and constantly sets her up on outrageous blind dates much to her despair. Guo Ran is a 35-year-old bachelor who settles divorce cases at the national registry of marriage. Due to the ugly scenarios that he consistently witnesses at work, he adopts a cynical view of marriage. One day, Guo Ran's buddy, Xi Feng, decides to set him up on a blind date wit...
What can a group of idealists do to stop rampant political corruption during the Ming Dynasty? When an evil minister comes into power, he sends Ye Hongying (En-Chun Chiao), a trained killer, to go after Gu Renyuan (Zhiwen Yang) and her family for being active in a movement to end government corruption. Yang Dongqin (Fang Qi) is a dancer who also is politically active....
Prosecutor Shi Junfeng and his assistant, Chen Xue, have been assigned from the provincial prosecutor's office to a local court. Through their cases, they have ensured severe penalties for those involved....
An award-winning audience favorite in China since it debuted, Waiting Alone tells the first-person-narrative of Wen (Xia Yu), a shop owner and aspiring author who feels that he's met his dream girl (Li Bingbing). The only problem is, he seems stuck in the friend-zone. Aided by his best friends and the one girl he completely trusts (Gong Beibi), he tries different ways to woo her......
Four couples divorced for various reasons brought different degrees of damage to their children's hearts, and eventually the parents were inspired by their children's helpless but positive desire for loving behavior to rejoin their families in a touching story....
A series of interconnected stories, set against the backdrop of the early days of the pandemic. Here, individual souls realize the world is changing, sometimes yielding heartbreak, sometimes yielding happiness, always leading to a deeper understanding of their fellow human beings. From finding love, to connecting through music, heroes emerge, each contributing in small ways to a very new world around them, however dangerous....
A young woman who needs a kidney transplant wants to marry someone who will be able to donate a kidney, and meets a young man who has a brain disease....
Anthology of short films directed by several different directors....
The film tells a warm and realistic story, thinking and facing the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face-imagining that death may come at any time, the only thing we have to do is love and cherish....