Gloria, Wilma et moi is a French cartoon that premiered on France 2 on June 24, 2006. The show was created by Vanessa Kowalczyk and produced by DQ Entertainment. The plot follows Melody, a young girl who goes on a road trip to the USA with her grandma Wilma and her childhood friend Gloria....
Louis, young Toulousain of 7 and fan of rugby, finds himself suddenly invaded by a newcomer. And trust me, he's not ready to become a big brother... Supported by his faithful toys, will they succeed to chase away the newbie?...
Set in the high courts of 16th Century France, where the wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants are raging. Marie de Mézières, a beautiful young aristocrat, is in love with Henri de Guise, but her hand in marriage is promised to the Prince of Montpensier....
During Napoleonic wars, a young idealistic drummer, in search of glory, arrives on the battlefield and discovers the horrors of war....
Charlie, an inquisitive teenager uncovers a treasure in the forest. In finding its rightful owner, she restores the memory of a great passion and also her own path....