It all started with a missile… The dramatic series follows the life of Junior High students who take part in “young initiators” project at school, in which they must come up with an interesting, innovative and practical invention. They must also play according to the adults world- plan the invention, recruit the funding for its development’ market and sell it. The winner team will take part in the world wide competition to be held in the Netherlands....
Without Secrets, is an educational television show broadcast on Israeli Educational Television during the years 1983–1986 and on reruns during the mid-1990s. The show was intended for lower grades of Elementary, seeking to help with their reading. The show was incorporated as an integral part of the school curriculum and was even accompanied by 10 study booklets and 5 enrichment booklets, published by the 'Center for Educational Technology'. The first-of-its-kind educational television broadcas...
Itamar, a chubby and depressed young man, moves back to live with his eccentric mother after suffering a mental breakdown. Old tensions about his sexual orientation arise after he meets Ronen, a handsome lifeguard who leads him to confront his body image issues....