Without Secrets, is an educational television show broadcast on Israeli Educational Television during the years 1983–1986 and on reruns during the mid-1990s. The show was intended for lower grades of Elementary, seeking to help with their reading. The show was incorporated as an integral part of the school curriculum and was even accompanied by 10 study booklets and 5 enrichment booklets, published by the 'Center for Educational Technology'. The first-of-its-kind educational television broadcas...
Gershon (Dubi Gal) is a mechanic who wants to go out with his mistress (Elana Shoshan) to a hotel in Eilat for holiday. To go on vacation is lying to his wife and says he had to come up for duty in the Golan Heights. His wife believe the deception and taking the opportunity to go out with her lover to the same hotel in Eilat....
A comedy about a postal worker Samson who suddenly discovered his talent for basketball....
Danny Breznitz, late 40s, a detective in the Tel Aviv Police, is hospitalized following a near-fatal car accident. His relationship with his sexy mistress, Eva, early 30s, is falling apart, and his obsession with her is pushing Eva even further away. Living in the same apartment with Ruthie, his wife, are the only remains of their childless marriage. Following convalescence, Breznitz is handed an insignificant case by his hostile superior which he considers beneath him. But when an unknown body ...