Kaboul Kitchen is a French comedy television series broadcast by Canal+. It was created by Marc Victor, Allan Mauduit and Jean-Patrick Benes. The series is based on the true story of Radio France Internationale journalist Marc Victor, who ran a restaurant for French expatriates in Kabul until 2008. The first series premiered on February 15, 2012 on Canal+ and ended on March 5, 2012. It set a ratings record for comedy series in the primetime slot on Canal+. A second series, which will have 12 epi...
In 1960s France, 16-year-old Hannah Goldman is experiencing a painful adolescence. Her Jewish background and plain appearance make her an object of ridicule, but she has a talent for music and is determined to fulfil her ambition to play in the school jazz band....
Francesca and her husband, Martin, are dreamers. They live a carefree existence oblivious to the increasingly hostile world closing in on them. Their huge Parisian apartment is a refuge for an array of colorful characters in need of a roof over their heads and in particular for Adrien, a filmmaker who turns their home into his office, studio and love-nest. When their mean landlady tries to evict them all and Martin succumbs to the charms of a beautiful vamp, Francesca comes up with some original...
An attractive young woman who is dedicated to seduce lonely men in business then flees police steal when recognized by one of his victims. Hiding in a pleasure boat, set sail with a small group of tourists heading to an island paradise. Shortly after landing, the guide found murdered ......
On the eve of the summer vacations, Marc (16 years old) only dreams of one thing: seduce Sonia. Tonight, he has decided to confess his love for her. But while he performs a balancing act to impress her, he is taken by a dizzy spell and is victim of a fainting spell. He is rushed to the hospital and the doctors discover that he has leukemia. A race against time begins: the disease and Sonia's love become Marc's two challenges....
A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father....
Sidonie returns from Morocco with a broken heart because of a man called Diego.Then her sister,Marion, a lawyer of Paris,decides to travel to Morocco to give him a lesson....
Two neighbors, Louis and Coralie, have been at war with each other for years because of their different origins, French and Reunionese. Their mutual hatred is not the only thing they have in common: they also adore their respective children, who secretly love each other....
Five old friends decide to move in together as an alternative to living in a retirement home. Joining them is an ethnology student whose thesis is on the aging population....