The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
On Monday, September 10, 2012, Jacqueline Sauvage shot her husband the back three times. She then learned that their son had just committed suicide. And so the most publicized trial in recent years commenced....
Claire Weygand, a thirty-year-old young woman who is about to defend her anthropology thesis, unfortunately not only feels bad but even worse and worse with each passing day. The migraine attacks she suffers from indeed keep her from working as hard as she should and in despair she decides to consult Doctor Fish. When the medicine the physician prescribes for her fails, Claire, who can't take it any more, asks him to hospitalize her. In hospital, Claire shares her room with Odette, a young woman...
Serial killer Guy Georges' hunt by a female captain who created a DNA database that revolutionized the police methods....
On Monday, September 10, 2012, Jacqueline Sauvage shot her husband the back three times. She then learned that their son had just committed suicide. And so the most publicized trial in recent years commenced....