Toda una dama is a successful Venezuelan telenovela produced and broadcast on RCTV International in 2007. The telenovela is a remake of Señora, an original story written by renowned telenovela author José Ignacio Cabrujas. This new verison was adapred by Iris Dubs and starred Christina Dieckmann and Ricardo Álamo as the main protagonists with Nohely Arteaga starred as the main antagonist....
Guerra de mujeres is a telenovela produced by Venevisión in 2001. Gaby Espino and Jorge Reyes starred as the main protagonists....
Samantha is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venevisión. This telenovela lasted 120 episodes and was distributed internationally by Venevisión International....
Amantes de Luna Llena is a Venezuelan telenovela written by Leonardo Padrón for Venevisión in 2000. Ruddy Rodríguez and Diego Bertie starred as the main protagonists while Beatriz Valdés and Jorge Cao starred as the main antagonists....
Esta película de acción y suspenso, cuenta la dramática historia de cinco bebés por sobrevivir. Conmovedora y angustiosa será su lucha contra los sueños, deseos y ambiciones de aquellos que les niegan el derecho a la vida. Un relato inspirado en hechos reales donde cinco bebés y sus madres ponen al descubierto sus miedos en una apuesta entre la vida y la muerte; una cruel realidad los llevará a descubrir que, a la hora de sobrevivir, cada segundo cuenta. Esta historia se atreve a mostrar con nit...
Federica finds out that the baby she's expecting doesn't share her DNA. She goes to the clinic where she underwent an in vitro fertilization treatment and they acknowledge they made a mistake by exchanging her embryo with another couple's....
Leonor Malpica (Mimí Lazo) is a woman in her 40s who works in a lingerie store, has a son studying abroad, a dog named Fifí and an excellent husband. Excellent, until one day she receives a disturbing phone call –anonymous, of course– in which the fidelity of Julio, her husband, is questioned. Without hesitation, Leonor decides to check with her own eyes that Julio is cheating on her with another woman. What follows is a whirlwind of crazy situations involving a maid who dreams of being the star...
The film is made up of two stories: In Block 1 the story of Manuel, a lonely and gray man, whose attitude distances him from all those around him, even from his own son. In the midst of routine and alcohol, the hope of a new love arises. This is how Norma, a bar bartender, enters his life without realizing it. In Block 2, the Aristiguetas, an upper-class Venezuelan family, have moved, economically less due to the failed decisions of their father. Alejandra, the oldest of the Aristigueta children...