Wonder Pets! is an American animated children's television series. It debuted on March 3, 2006, on the Nick Jr. block of the Nickelodeon cable television network and Noggin on the same day. It won an Emmy Award in 2008 for Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition in the United States....
A collection of Christmas-themed Wonder Pets Episodes. Save The Nutcracker When the Mouse King steals the Wonder Pet's Nutcracker, our heroes must follow him into a Christmas book to get it back - all to the sounds of Tchaikovsky's beloved ballet....
"Save the Reindeer" will be the second full length Wonder Pets DVD! (The Wonder Pets will also be included on the August Nick Jr. Favorites 6 release.) The DVD features a double length episode where the Wonder Pets need to save one of Santa’s Reindeer. Can the Wonder Pets save the Baby Reindeer in time to save Chritmas? There will be 3 additional episodes (6 mini episodes) on the DVD for a total approximate runtime of 100 minutes...