Paris is an American television series that appeared on the CBS television network from September 29, 1979 to January 15, 1980. A crime drama, the show is notable as the first-ever appearance of renowned actor James Earl Jones in a lead role on television and was created by Steven Bochco, who later achieved fame for Hill Street Blues and NYPD Blue, also served as executive producer. The program told the story of Los Angeles Police Captain Woody Paris, who supervised a team of young detectives. ...
30-year-old single Mary Richards moves to Minneapolis to start a new life after a romantic break-up. There she reacquaints with Phyllis who rents her a room, and meets her upstairs neighbor and new best friend Rhoda. Mary unexpectedly lands a job as associate producer at the TV station WJM, where she works alongside her bristly boss, Lou; the comical newswriter, Murray; and the newscast's often-incompetent anchor, Ted....
Colombia receives the indemnity for Panama and accepts foreign credit to undertake development works, which increases the number of workers, although with poor wages and terrible working conditions. María Cano, a political activist, began her fight for the conditions of salaried workers and for the fundamental rights of the population....
A race-car driver finds himself in a romantic triangle and a machete-swinging stranger trying to kill him....
The daughter of a humble public official dies unexpectedly. Twelve years later, when she is exhumed, the father discovers her body is intact. With money collected in the town, the father travels to Rome with his daughter's body, so the Pope can decide whether she is the first Colombian saint or not....
When the Indian Jimmyboy is accused of murder of a white man, he flees onto the ranch of Smith, who's well known for his tolerance for Indians, since he was raised by the old Indian Antoine. Smith helps Jimmyboy against the mean Sheriff and promises to speak for him in court, thus persuading him to surrender himself to the police....
Story follows three generations of a family in the New York City Police Department....
The teacher and the butcher of a small town in the tropical Andes, are both in love with the same woman (Miriam). They decide to duel for her. Everyone in town catch the notice, except of course for Miriam. The Mayor then decides to manipulate the event to make it political....
Río Negro is the struggle of two men, Osuna and Funes, hungry for power and wealth in a small town in Venezuela, during the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez...
Dramatisation of the massacre which took place in Colombia in 1948, as a result of conflict between conservative and liberal forces, and concentrating on the character of a former cheesemonger-turned professional killer....
A group of tenants living in an old house are confronted with having to move out due to a renovation project the city has undertaken. The tenants decide to unite and come up with a strategy, but in the process—while the landlord and his aggressive attorney are chasing them—the tenants transform into the opposite of who they once were....
Set in the 1920s, several foreigners held by a South American military group are offered possible freedom if they accept to topple a local crazed military leader....
An army cadet returns to his home village in order to find out what had happened years ago between his father and the schoolmaster....