Set in a quiet town where locals and summer visitors mingle, and relationships change as quickly as the tide. Will the hot days of summer prove long enough to resolve the abundant seduction and scandal of Falcon Beach?...
Set against the backdrop of a hit dating competition show, "UnREAL" is led by Rachel, a young staffer whose sole job is to manipulate her relationships with and among the contestants to get the vital dramatic and outrageous footage the program's dispassionate executive producer demands. What ensues is a humorous, yet vexing, look at what happens in the world of unscripted television, where being a contestant can be vicious and producing it is a whole other reality....
Tamara, an unattractive girl who is picked on by her peers, returns after her death as a sexy seductress to enact revenge....
Told she would have less than a few months to live without a liver transplant, Heather Krueger’s time was running out when a kind stranger, Chris Dempsey, heard of her plight and discovered he was a perfect match. The two met and before long a friendship developed into romance. The movie follows Heather and Chris’ journey over three Christmases as his selfless gesture leads to a Christmas miracle for everyone involved. Based on a true story....
When her Philadelphia radio station is closed for repairs during the holidays, DJ Kara Porter is forced to broadcast from the small town of Bethlehem....
When a morning show producer makes a New Year's resolution to say yes more, she crosses paths with a confirmed Yes man who just might hold the key to her biggest story and to her heart....
A hyper-repressed and schlubby accountant (Jonas Chernick) strikes a deal with a worldly but disorganized stripper (Emily Hampshire): he'll help her with her crushing debt if she helps him become a better lover....
Two seemingly incompatible game designers team up to create a romantic, city-wide scavenger hunt themed for the "12 Days of Christmas."...
Horror exploitation anthology from twisted minds of filmmakers from across the globe....
The new female warden of a high-security prison faces challenges when an inmate puts up a bounty to anyone who can break him out of jail....
Accused of murder and confined to a mental institution, Molly Hartley falls under the possession of a powerful demonic force. As she undergoes a monstrous transformation, a defrocked priest is her only hope of salvation....