Mike Hammer, Private Eye is an American syndicated television program based on the adventures of the fictitious private detective Mike Hammer, created by novelist Mickey Spillane. The show starred Stacy Keach and was seen as an attempt to revive the character he had played in Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer and The New Mike Hammer - two moderately successful syndicated CBS series from the 1980s. Mike Hammer, Private Eye premiered on September 27, 1997. The show failed to gain a wide audience and, ...
A DEA agent provides former Marine Tim Kearney with a way out of his prison sentence: impersonate Bobby Z, a recently deceased drug dealer, in a hostage switch with a crime lord. When the negotiations go awry, Kearney flees, with Z's son in tow....
Each member of a group of people has a connection to a self-help book authored by a reclusive former football coach....
When Sam learns his mother cannot afford to send him to another school after he is kicked out, he and his friends start their own escort service for mature women to pay for his tuition....
Gia Carangi meteorically rises to modeling fame in the late 1970s but becomes overconsumed by persistent loneliness and drug addiction....
Academy Award winning actor Tom Kingsford visits a bizarre strip club owned by real estate mogul William O'Toole, a sadistic voyeur....
A series of comedic short films guaranteed to offend....
A series of comedic short films guaranteed to offend....
A well-meaning genius creates a virtual reality game that leaves his grandson trapped within when a virus invades. The boy's father (Don Wilson) enters the virtual fighting game in order to combat the virus and save his son before they're both trapped forever....