Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three m...
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officer...
Adam Kruk, a 40 year old police officer addicted to painkillers and psychotropic drugs, returns to the town he grew up in to find the paedophile who abused his friend Slawek years ago. Once there, he is unexpectedly called to investigate a new case: the kidnapping of a powerful man's grandson, which he undertakes to help set him free from his past mistakes. As he was unable to protect Slawek, he sees this case as a second chance to protect a child and an opportunity for justice. Adam must contro...
Wojnar is a wealthy man who is marrying off his beautiful daughter Kasia, in a small town in present day Poland. Wojnar had to bribe the groom with a fancy car, since Kasia was pregnant by another man. At the end of the ceremony, the car is delivered by a gangster, who immediately demands the promised money and the deed to land from Kasia's grandfather. Unfortunately grandpa is unwilling to let go of the land. Meanwhile each of the workers at the reception demand to be paid, so Wojnar, who is ve...
A teenager works in a car repair shop and makes a living from petty thefts. In order to impress the boss of a gang of car thieves, he decides to steal a jaguar. What’s more, he can realize his grandmother's dream – he can drive her to mass in the basilica....
The story of Janosik, a legendary "Central European Robin Hood", based on real XVIII century documents and a romantic legend. Young Janosik, burnt out by war experiences and disappointment in love, joins a team of brigands. Soon after he becomes the troop's leader and is recognized as a brave and honorable commander, he never kills anyone he robs. Along with the fame he starts enjoying popularity among women. But Janosik's success raises jealousy in one of the troop's members, greedy and brutal ...
Jurek Kiler has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, meeting world leaders. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations and problems in his love life......
A young man, to ensure that he will pass the high school maturity test convinces his girlfriend to help him steal the answer sheets....
To save the family land from a mysterious millionaire, a farmer hatches a plan to marry off his two children so they can take over the business....
Careerist Maciej gives a lift to a hitchhiker with opposite beliefs as they both head to their hometowns. In the meantime, the local community gets prepared for the annual Corpus Christi procession....
In a post-State gmina Osiek, on August 15th the plaque commemorating the liberation of the town from the hands of the Bolsheviks in 1920 will be unveiled. Vogt wants the event to be festive and to contribute to the promotion a the forgotten gmina. He needs a veteran, but where will he find a veteran of the 1920 war? Marian, a village shopkeeper, promises to “find” a veteran in excha...
It is a bitter story about a middle-aged man, who hates his life and other people, including himself. Adam Miauczynski, the character known from director Marek Koterski's previous films, is a 44 year-old teacher, who reads poetry during school lessons and later goes home swearing and calling his neighbours' names. The worst pain for him is the next 5 minutes of living. He doesn't accept himself and even everyday contacts with others cause his aggression. Though constantly dreaming of a romantic ...
There is a writer who in the late 1970s managed to publish a poem in the monthly "Nowy Wyraz". It was enough to become a self-confessed writer whose name began to appear in the state media. The writer takes full advantage of his privileges - he flirts with power, sympathizes with the opposition, and collapses his studies at the same time. He is saved from going to the army by an exalted essayist whose sister is the head of the psychiatric hospital in Tworki. In a psychiatric institution, a write...
Director of detention, director Nowacki (Janusz Gajos) finds Sergeant Zawada, who is hiding from the world (Robert Więckiewicz). An experienced officer returns to the game and gets a new task - he becomes the commander of the convoy, who is to transport a very dangerous prisoner to a psychiatric hospital. Members of his team are people with a complicated past. Among them is also Feliks (Tomasz Ziętek), full of ideals, privately the husband of Nowacki's daughter (Agnieszka Żulewska), who should n...
The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the streets became saturator, transistors pulsed rock'n'roll, and the fondest dream of every fan of the domestic automotive industry was the Fiat 125p. Film trip to the sixties, colorful era "flower children", hippies and bigbitu. Year 1969. Fascinating in aviation Adam is called to the army. However, much to his own chagrin, she gets an assignment to serve in the ... Navy. In Antek, older brother, embar...
Russian woman is robbed after crossing Polish border and has to wait until the local policemen catch the thieves. The priest, who is the main authority in the town, orders that she stays at organist's house....
The worst graduate of the police school goes to Królowy Most. At the same time, this town is chosen as an asylum for a crown witness in a mafia trial....
After 20 years, a man returns to his quiet, idyllic hometown in search of a wife only to find the community torn by a heated mayoral election....
Outraged by corruption in his small town, a family man runs for mayor but discovers that staying true to his principles may come at a devastating cost....
A young archeology student comes to Królowy Most to study the cellars under the church. She finds there a collection of historic documents which may have an enormous impact on the future and prosperity of the village....
This harrowing tale of survival centers on Rose, a Masurian woman, whose German soldier husband was killed in the war, leaving her alone on their farm. A single woman had no defense against Russian soldiers who raped as a form of revenge, nor against plundering Poles who found themselves in desperate straits. Help arrives for Rose in the form of Tadeusz, a former officer in the Polish Home Army who deserted after he saw his wife raped and murdered by Russian troops and is attempting to hide his ...
Jakub is coming back to his home town only to discover his former girlfriend has leukemia. He has to confront the past he wanted to escape from....
A seriously wounded gangster with a bag full of money stops at a deserted gas station....
In 2011, a psychiatric patient is visited by a postulate. The patient is a retired head of the "D" Group – a secret department of the Security Service to fight against the Polish Catholic church. Murders, beatings, blackmails, provocations, robberies, those are standard methods of operation for its officers. The postulate wants to unravel the mystery of the death of priest Roman Kotlarz, a parish priest from Pelagow....
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets....
Nikos is a master of funeral ceremonies (that's undertaker to you and me) who doesn't expect much from life. After drunkenly insulting a diplomat at a party, weird things begin to happen for Nikos. The news that a mysterious stranger offended the hated Deputy Prime Minister galvanizes the political elite assembled at the banquet, and a rumor that Nikos can take care of anything spreads like wildfire, making him an idol of the masses....
Zoska, is an attractive, well-educated and hard working woman who doesn't want to be stereotypically labeled by modern world. When she gets fired her world collapses, now she must realize what she really wants from life....