This action and adventure comedy is drawn in simple appearance and combines cute forest animals with extreme graphic violence. Each episode revolves around the characters enduring accidental events of bloodshed, pain, dismemberment and/or death....
Lumpy as a ski instructor? That's right kids! Learn all about the perils, the dangers, the ropes of the skiing the big slopes in this instructional video from your favorite Happy Tree Friends! Instructions not included....
Cute, cuddly and horribly wrong…It’s the Happy Tree Friends! No matter how innocently their day begins, it always ends in mayhem. But the ensemble cast of Cuddles, Handy, Giggles, Lumpy, Flippy and the others are just so damn cute you’ll want to squeeze them until their little eyes pop out! This Holiday DVD is the ½ hour "Winter Break" special that aired on MTV International and MTV2....