War of Money is a 2007 South Korean television drama series adaptation of Park In-kwon's comic of the same name. Starring Park Shin-yang and Park Jin-hee, it aired on SBS from May 16 to July 19, 2007 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes. Originally scheduled for 16 episodes, due to its popularity it was extended to 20, but only Park Shin-yang starred in the four-episode "bonus round."...
Legend of the Patriots is a remake of the 1975 South Korean drama Comrades. Its production was spawned to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. The story centers around the lives of eleven Korean soldiers fighting in the Korean War. Director Kim Sang-hwi remarked that the series is not about the ideologies of South and North Korea, but rather focuses on the struggles of ordinary people who lived through the war....
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
"Crime Puzzle" is a story where a criminal psychologist is sent to prison for murdering a political candidate, and the criminal profiler who loses her father to the murder is conducting interviews with the murderer for a case that occurs within the prison. These two used to be lovers just a year ago, until they meet again as a murderer and a criminal profiler, and face the unexpected truth to a series of murders. The thriller focuses on the process of them putting the pieces together, like a puz...
Cha Yeon Jin is a high school girl whose outwardly normal existence and reticent character masks her true identity: she is a professional assassin who is seeking vengeance for her mother after watching her killed in front of her eyes. She infiltrates SS1, the secret organization that her mother was connected to, by becoming one of their killers, all the while trying to track down her mother's murderer....
A terrible child kidnapping incident takes place in a mansion complex, where only the top 1% of the most luxurious population reside. With no time to be shocked, the child returns dead and the killer is unknown. However, this incident was just the start of a tragedy. While the crowd is hiding the truth, there are some who start to reveal the twisted hypocrisy and ugly secret inside the mansion....
Comedy following Cho Seok's ridiculous but hilarious adventures with his girlfriend-turned-wife Ae Bong, their dogs, older brother Jo Joon, and parents. Based on the popular webtoon series of the same name....
Based in the 1930's of Shanghai, China, this drama is a story about love, friendship, patriotism and desire. Shin Jung Tae (Kim Hyun Joong) is an outrageous and clumsy man, but has an unconditional love for his country and family. He was known as the best fighter in the alleys of Shanghai....
In order to live, a woman named Eun Han risks her life by going through a dangerous surgical procedure for a new face. However, due to the after-effects of surgery, she loses her memory. She tries to find the missing pieces of her memory and while suffering from a different face and not knowing about herself, Kang Woo appears in front of her. Kang Woo has been hurt as his lover left him. He suffers as his relationship with his father gets worse. Like they were destined, Eun Han and Kang Woo reun...
It's 3 minutes for hearers, but a life for the callers. A crime thriller chasing even the slightest sounds to rescue people's lives calling for urgent help....
A restaurant opens at midnight until seven in the morning. Its mysterious owner and chef, simply called the "Master," has no fixed items on his menu, but will take orders from any customer and cook up whatever they ask for. As the Master cooks, his customers tell him their life stories. Korean adaptation of the original Japanese drama....
Dongsoo leads a solitary life, spending his time uploading music to the internet. His ordinary life is upended when he is kidnapped by an organ hunter, who takes out one of his eyes. Soon, Dongsoo is sharing the vision of someone who got his eye. Through the connected vision, he learns that the taker is a notorious serial killer, and pursues the murderer to get his eye back....
The ‘Human RIghts Promotion’ team helps out people who are in need to protect and secure their human rights....
Movie meets humanities! This talk show/variety show for movie enthusiasts features interesting discussions by a writer and two movie directors where film and humanities intertwine....
Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job....
A fantasy-action sageuk that takes place after the establishment of the Joseon dynasty and tells the story of the undead who come back to life after being killed by the royal family....
Kim Sun-woo is an enforcer and manager for a hotel owned by a cold, calculative crime boss, Kang who assigns Sun-woo to a simple errand while he is away on a business trip; to shadow his young mistress, Hee-soo, for fear that she may be cheating on him with a younger man with the mandate that he must kill them both if he discovers their affair....
During the late 1980s, two detectives in a South Korean province attempt to solve the nation's first series of rape-and-murder cases....
The ghost of a student who died at a Korean school comes back to seek vengeance and protect her friends....
When the police raid the compound of a religious cult, they discover that almost all of the members have committed suicide. The only survivor, laying on an altar in the middle of the room, is a very pregnant woman who goes into labor as the raid begins. The woman dies in the hospital, but her child survives. 20 years later, strange things are starting to happen around the child, now a grown woman. A group of religious warriors from a mix of faiths join together to try and protect her from whatev...
A comical horror movie about a commotion that happened after the sons decide to fulfill their filial duties to their mother who returned as a zombie shortly after her funeral....
Sang-woo receives painful surgery when he is ten, and murders another kid from trauma. After he receives hypnosis treatment, he disappears with his family. After 25 years, a successful doctor meets his old friend one day, and everything changes....
On the day of the hundreds billion dollar contract deal just ahead, Jung suddenly disappears after he leaves for a convenient store. Inspector Kim who is desperate to get an exclusive crime case in the hope of drawing media attention finds out that Jung had many jealous colleagues and starts to investigate the case focusing on embezzlement and kidnapping. On the other hand, inspector Park finds out that Jung’s fiancee Mi-sun, a sales manager at the insurance company, has recently took out a life...
The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing ...
The misadventures of three seemingly unrelated South Korean men....
A group of city dwellers make a trip of three days and two nights into the isolated countryside to visit a friend in the hills. Their true nature begins to reveal itself: love hidden but never forgotten, primitive desires suppressed in the city, nasty pride that triumphs only over the weak and a strong will for survival that sacrifices even love and friendship....
A Korean mobster's bumbling assistants team up with a street-smart hooker to find their employer's missing drug money....
Coming to grips with the truth that he will never earn a living playing baduk, a young man's chance encounter with a local gangster finds him with a new pupil in this drama about the vastly different past and future of the two men....
An idle part-time college lecturer is annoyed by the yapping sound of a nearby dog. He decides to take drastic action....
A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber....
In April 1933, Korea’s Japanese occupiers launched the country’s first radio station, JODK. It broadcasts propaganda so as to better brainwash the Korean people into becoming loyal Japanese citizens. In need of a Korean producer for a radio drama about the greatness of Japan’s Asian Empire, they appoint Lloyd Park, a young man who has only joined the radio station through his father’s connections....
A noble, high-class scholar starts to write erotic novels in 18th century of Chosun dynasty and falls in love with a king's woman....
Gong Pil-du is a detective recruited for his athletic skills and achievement, a bronze Universiade medalist in wrestling. Since then, however, he has had little success in his career, and remains a 40-year old bachelor with a terrible credit record. His greatest crisis comes when his beloved father needs money for crucial surgery. To get the money, Gong makes a deal with a vicious crime boss. This makes him more miserable than ever, as he is now suspected as a corrupt cop. Gong goes on a quest t...
In 'A Brave New World', a virus brings the city to ruins and zombies flood the streets of Seoul. In 'The Heavenly Creature', a robot reaches enlightenment while working at a temple, but its creators deem this phenomenon a threat to mankind. In the final segment, 'Happy Birthday', a young girl logs onto a strange website and places an order for a new billiard ball for her father. Soon afterwards a meteor heads toward Earth and people flee to underground bomb shelters....
Two rival gangs decide to send two men each to a rural hotel to force the owners to repay their debts, but they underestimate the will and resourcefulness of the hotel staff....
A white-collar South Korean man discovers a severed human finger and keeps it....
A teenage girl is captured by a giant mutated squid-like creature that appears from Seoul's Han River after toxic waste was dumped in it, prompting her family into a frantic search for her....
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital information concerning Korean freedom fighters and their whereabouts as well as their true identities. The interim Korean government appoints legendary Korean spy Agent Dachimawa Lee to recover the fabled statue and reveal the dark plot behind the theft....
A notorious serial killer is finally arrested. But even as he is in custody, for some unknown reason, his killings continue outside....
A geek is left home alone and his negligence causes the spread of a deadly contamination that infects the entire local population and turns them into flesh-eating zombies....
Bok-Soon runs a street stall, cares for her younger sister, and is feared by many because of her quick temper. When Tae-Soo murders her sister, rage consumes her completely as she stalks the killer....
Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family....