Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The show is set in Rome and follows the love story between a single father, Paolo Giorgi, and a single mother, Laura Del Fiore, and the adventures of the extended family that originates from their relationship. The main characters are Paolo Giorgi and his daughter Cristina, Laura Del Fiore and her son Emanuele and her daughter Nina. Around these main c...
A family saga set in Italy which chronicles the life of a middle-class family. It explores the relationship between two brothers Nicola and Matteo as their life paths separate during youth, encompassing major political and social events in post–World War II Italian history....
« For over twenty years we have filmed at night in the most important museums in the world. It's the only possible time to film the empty halls or the precious artifacts out of the windows because there are no visitors. But at night the Museum changes face. Just you in front of the masterpieces in the silence. The Museum seems to show and offer you its treasures in an atmosphere of intimacy. I always wanted to transmit and give this atmosphere that I breathed to viewers. » (Alberto Angela)...
When the most important friend in her life seems to have disappeared without a trace, Elena Greco, a now-elderly woman immersed in a house full of books, turns on her computer and starts writing the story of their friendship....
After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades....
In a stirring blend of archival footage, fictional recreations, interviews, and animation, the film delves into the story of Italy’s ‘Unknown Soldier’. November 4, 2021, in fact, is the hundredth anniversary of the burial of the Unknown Soldier in the Altare della Patria in Rome. Thanks to a collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the city of Aquileia, and the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, this film reconstructs the events that led up to that event in 1921...
Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past....
An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."...
After the Arcangelo affair, the Pasti brothers, together with an eccentric half-sister they didn't know they had, have made a name for themselves as "gravediggers of VIPs" and are vying for a coveted category award never won before, the Vespillone D'oro. But the evaluation commission finds a gigantic hole in the company's books, which threatens to exclude them from the race for the award. But how is this possible? The answer is in Matteo Pasti's confession: he "borrowed" large sums from company ...
Longtime Italian cinema star Stefania Sandrelli (The First Beautiful Thing) is Alba, the mother of two very different adult sons. While Giorgio is a playboy who constantly cheats on his wife, Leonardo (Luca Argentero, Eat Pray Love) is always unlucky in love. When Leonardo finally meets the woman of his dreams, Sara, he brings her home to meet the family, but it appears this is not the first time that Sara has met Giorgio. Directed by Luca Lucini and stars Luca Argentero, Alessandro Gassman and ...
During research for a series focused on the greatest scientists of the past, a TV producer, following a hypnosis experiment, finds herself catapulted into the 19th century, participating in the last years of Ludwig Van Beethoven's life....
Maledimiele tells the story of Sara, a teenage girl who sinks – slowly but inevitably – into the abyss of anorexia....
An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him....
First violin in the orchestra of a big city, S. has an extraordinary memory, which leads him to remember every detail of what falls under his attention. When he realizes that he can no longer read a score, because the notes before his eyes explode into moving and colorful points, he decides to contact Professor L., an internationally renowned psychologist....
Born in a village in Sudan, kidnapped by slavers, often beaten and abused, and later sold to Federico Marin, a Venetian merchant, Bakhita then came to Italy and became the nanny servant of Federico's daughter, Aurora, who had lost her mother at birth. She is treated as an outcast by the peasants and the other servants due to her black skin and African background, but Bakhita is kind and generous to others. Bakhita gradually comes closer to God with the help of the kind village priest, and embrac...
Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever......
In Vicenza, a beautiful Italian art city, a young wealthy couple joyfully welcomes the birth of a long-awaited daughter in the early 1980s. But the child’s face is disfigured by a red birthmark that covers half her face. This spot haunts the mother to the point that she rejects her responsibilities as a mother. The child’s aunt, a famous concert pianist, takes over her education, thus discovering her exceptional musical talent....
The bad romance between Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, two of the foremost movie stars in Fascist Italy, who were supporters of the regime to the bitter end, and shared its brutal downfall....
A journey through Italy across a century of popular religious devotion. Ancient and more recent saints, white and black Madonnas, devotional processions... are the expression of a need for the sacred that seems very distant from our way of being, but perhaps is not that distant at all. Today, especially in the South, but with some “isolated” locations in the North, popular faith is still a very real thing, which finds its finest expression in song and in music....
The story of an encounter between a bourgeois man and a poor woman, because their teenage children fall in love....
The life and work of Giuseppe Bertolucci, as told by his father and brother, friends and colleagues....
Elena, a young trainee psychiatrist, dreams of bringing "mad" people back to a normal life; she makes them talk, she provokes and incites them in the hope of finding the distinguishing signs of normality. Fausto is a boy judged "mad", who has been hospitalized against his will several times, an extrovert musician, he shows clear signs of normality....
On the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth, Carmelo Bene returns to the verses of the poet from Recanati. In this film the most beautiful poems by Giacomo Leopardi (La Ginestra, Il Canto Notturno, Le Ricordanze, A Silvia, L'Infinito ...), but also some passages from the Moral Operettas, as well as the unfinished Project for a hymn at Ahrimane, follow one another with deep and moving simplicity, with a quiet immediacy that causes the void of every other voice: therefore the listenere is ensn...
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration....
A whirlwind of activity sweeps us into the daily routine at the Archaeological Museum of Naples....
Three years after her relationship with Giovanni, Monica is in prison and has to ask his ex for help....
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black....
The relations between Parma and cinema were so strong for almost the whole of the twentieth century that this city became an early laboratory of ideas and theories on cinema and a set chosen by some of the greatest Italian authors and beyond. Furthermore, a considerable number of directors, actors, screenwriters and set designers were born in Parma who have made their way internationally, testifying to the fact that in this small city in Northern Italy there was a decidedly cinematic air. Red ar...
In 2005, Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was kidnapped in Iraq by a group of terrorists. Nicola Calipari, a SISMI agent, is tasked with rescuing her, but interference from US forces in Iraq compromises the operation. Despite the difficulties, and after lengthy negotiations, Nicola manages to save the journalist, but at the cost of his own life....