Youth π Project is a variety show co-produced by Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. The program features contestants under 30 who, through the completion of 7 co-creation stages with different themes, explore the infinite and endless new power of youthful music, and present the thinking and expression of the new generation of young people....
In the program, the musicians participated in the festival in the form of a band. During the process, they continued to run in and reorganize, and collided with music works that broke through the classics, and finally formed a shining band....
This is a chat variety show for dinner, created by Dou Wentao, a famous media person and cultural celebrity, and Youku "Looking at the Ideal". The initiator Dou Wentao invites three old friends and guests to restore the chatting scenes in real life. The topics are all-encompassing, look at the world, and inspire infinite thinking....
Whether it is the output of opinions or the wide-ranging talks, more and more viewers have taken "The Round Table" as a part of their lives and accompanied them after dinner....