Based off the same name novel by Liu Liu, the story revolves around the lives of people in the medical field...
During a turbulent time from 1915 to 1921, Chen Du Xiu and Li Da Zhao, along with other like-minded individuals, founded the Magazine La Jeunesse that started the New Culture Movement. The magazine promoted science and democracy and revolutionized the thinking of the masses and encouraged them to fight against imperialism that has been ingrained in everyone. The series follows a colorful cast with various well-known authors, politicians, and revolutionists as they all try in their own way to sav...
Yang Guihua unexpectedly becomes village head and, determined to improve her village, works hard to secure a project and open a factory, overcoming resistance from rivals and a lack of support from her husband....
The drug lord "Flying Eagle" suddenly appeared in Linjiang City and used sophisticated ways to escape from being rounded up by public security organizations. Lu Jiang, a young criminal investigation expert, was ordered to investigate the case. Linjiang's Pan and Xu family businesses had always been at odds with each other. Pan Yue Yang is Lu Jiang's uncle and has always wanted Lu Jiang to marry his adopted daughter, Su Pan. Soon, business and crime cross each other, and Lu Jiang is forced to pic...
Prompted by the death of his father and the grief of his mother, a man recalls the story of how they met in flashback....
Deputy Mayor Zhao Weiguo is the first secretary stationed in their village. Despite their illness, they do work of mobilizing poverty alleviation and relocation. As many poor households are concerned to if relocating is good for them, Zhao Weiguo needs to ease their minds with practical action....
This film tells the story of Zhang Si De, a model of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In the late period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yan'an was in a mass production movement. The service soldier Zhang Si De (Wu Jun) is honest, unspoken, never invites merits for doing good things, works hard and never complains, and devotes himself to the Chinese revolutionary cause....
Writer Brando (Zheng Hao) and his wife's relationship break down. After the couple divorce, their 13-year-old daughter is left to live with her mother....
Story of a young girl Niu Niu, who was abducted by members of Jiang San's crime syndicate and describes the difficult experience of Niu Niu's mother and father in their search for their daughter...
Feng Menglong was a Chinese historian, novelist, and poet of the late Ming Dynasty. The film tells the story of his legendary move from Suzhou to to Shouning, where he entered politics for the sake of writing. During Shouning's tenure as an official, he fought against Japanese pirates, killed tigers, banned female infants, advocated culture and education, loved the people, was pragmatic and honest...
A Tibetan girl, who’d be a bride, could sing the traditional folk song Ganglamedo magically and elegantly. Her name was the same as the name of the song. But she disappeared in the night of her wedding. 60 years later, An Yu, a singer of Han nationality, became hot for singing Ganglamedo. But she lost her voice in a performance and then she disappeared, too. Is Ganglamedo a beautiful curse?...
"The First Major Case" is a historical drama based on the first major anti-corruption case in the People's Republic of China. Set in 1951, the story follows counter-espionage officer Chen Huaibang, who uncovers the shocking corruption of Liu Qingshan, a former revolutionary hero turned corrupt official. Despite their past, Chen stays true to justice, bringing Liu and his accomplice Zhang Zishan to trial. The film highlights Chen's battle of wits with Liu, Zhang, and the enemy spy known as "Qingm...