The story of a group of young New Zealand school boys. Because one of them is the nephew of a ship captain, they win the opportunity to go on a sailing trip. Some pirates (Forbes and Pike) are looking for a boat so they can go and find treasure on a deserted island. They manage to be recruited as crew members on that same boat as the school boys. After a mutiny, the pirates take over the boat and take the young boys as hostages. Helped by O'Brian, the young kids manage to escape from the pirates...
Dying in the trenches during World War II, Stefan looks back at his own life and that of his father. Through his memories, the film presents a story that embraces two generations and various eras. It is a film about the tragedy of lives dragged into conflicts against their will, of lives violently ruined or ended – a story about the devastating consequences of war. Interweaving past and present, the flashback narrative depicts the war as a perpetual situation where the „little people” always tur...
Over at the fictional DRGBP institution, events take a settling turn after a mutinied prize festivity....
It is 1944, german troops are in retreat. These troops were using a communication station and a cypher. The mission is to acquire the cypher......
This is a comedic meta-movie about making a movie on the Romanian seaside. The movie made is about some low level black market traffickers....
Famous Romania communist propaganda movie, one of the templates to what followed. It is about the volunteers that built the Bumbești-Livezeni railroad....