Kath & Kim is a character-driven Australian television situation comedy series. The series was created by, and is written by Jane Turner and Gina Riley who play the title characters: a suburban mother and daughter with a dysfunctional relationship. The series main characters consist of Kath Day-Knight, a cheerful 50-year-old woman, her self-indulgent daughter Kim Craig, Kath's boyfriend and second husband, the metrosexual Kel Knight, as well as Kim's estranged husband Brett Craig and her lonely,...
Underbelly is an Australian television true crime-drama series, each series is a stand alone story based on real-life events....
Let The Blood Run Free was an anarchic Australian spoof soap opera set in St Christopher's Hospital and created by comedy collective, The Blood Group....
The Comedy Company was an Australian comedy television series first aired from 16 February 1988 until about 11 November 1990 on Network Ten, Sunday night and was created and directed by Ian McFadyen, and co directed and produced by Jo Lane. The show largely consisted of sketch comedy in short segments, much in the tradition of earlier Sketch comedy shows, The Mavis Bramston Show, The Naked Vicar Show, Australia You're Standing In It, and The D-Generation. The majority of the filming took place i...
Talkin' 'Bout Your Generation is an Australian game show produced by Granada Productions which premiered on Network Ten on 5 May 2009. It is hosted by Shaun Micallef. The first series ran for 18 episodes, with the original production order extended due to the success of the show. A second series of 26 episodes began airing from 7 February 2010. Series 2 had a planned hiatus after episode 10 on 18 April 2010 and returned to finish its run on 1 August 2010. Series 3 began on 8 February 2011. On ...
Marking his return to TEN and WIN Network in a hosting role, beloved comedian Hughesy wants to take the problems experienced by everyday Australians – the big, small and the incredibly awkward – and turn them into working solutions. From how to handle infidelity to solving who gets to hold the television remote, there is no problem too big, small, funny or difficult for Hughesy and the team to tackle. Each episode, Hughesy is joined by four of Australia’s funniest comedians who offer searingly h...
The Gift is an Australian children's television series that first screened on the Nine Network Australia in 1997. It featured 26 half-hour episodes produced by Barron Television....
Rove, formerly Rove Live, was an Australian television variety show which premiered on the Nine Network on 22 September 1999, before moving to Network Ten which aired the program from 2000 until November, 2009. The show was hosted by comedian Rove McManus, and featured an ensemble cast, who presented various segments throughout the course of the show. The show won the Logie Award for "Most Popular Light Entertainment Program" five times....
Each episode involves performers walking through a door into an unknown situation, greeted by the line "Thank God you're here!". They then had to improvise their way through the scene. At the end of each episode a winner was announced....
Hosted by Rove McManus, this comedy panel game show features two teams captained by acclaimed actor Jane Harber and comedy star Joel Creasey who compete in a series of movie trivia rounds....
It's a Date is a comedy series exploring the tension, expectation and complication of finding true love. Each new episode features a different cast tackling a different set of situations and addressing a new question each week. Should you have sex on a first date? Does age matter? How accurate are first impressions? How important is honesty on a first date?...
Welcome to Sleuth 101 – the whodunit game show with a comedic twist, hosted by the effervescent Cal Wilson. As elementary as Watson, Cal's job is to guide the guest detective, keep forensics on their feet and occasionally drop the odd cryptic clue. Each week Cal is joined by a special guest comedian, who is given a crash course in criminology....
Australian version of the British comedy panel show featuring team captains joined by a stellar cast of celebrity guests who weave elaborate tales… that may or may not be the truth. Competing teams then ask questions and watch body language to determine which are outrageous but true, and which are made-up stories....
Talkin' 'Bout Your Generation is an Australian game show produced by Granada Productions which premiered on Network Ten on 5 May 2009. It is hosted by Shaun Micallef. The first series ran for 18 episodes, with the original production order extended due to the success of the show. A second series of 26 episodes began airing from 7 February 2010. Series 2 had a planned hiatus after episode 10 on 18 April 2010 and returned to finish its run on 1 August 2010. Series 3 began on 8 February 2011. On ...
Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity, who find they can no longer turn a blind eye to the corruption in the police force....
Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry based on a cause long forgotten, the pair unite when the multinational fast-food outlet "Burgies" unveils a new store directly opposite the twin fish & chips shops....
The squabbling mother and daughter, Kath and Kim, embark on an excursion into the unexplored crannies of life at Lagoon Court, Fountain Lakes....
Larceny, adultery, sabotage and treachery. Yes, just your typical Christmas with the Dredge family! Twelve-year-old Joey Dredge is in trouble again. Expelled for jumping off the school roof, he's haunted by his father's death and hates his mother's new boyfriend and his bullying son. Compounding his misery is the knowledge he has to spend Christmas with them at the family beach house. Things look grim until the unexpected arrival of great-grandfather Albert, fresh from a stint in prison. Force...
In 1988 a group of unknown comedians burst onto the TV scene with a show that revolutionised Australian television - The Comedy Company. Overnight it became the highest rating series of the year. The characters - Kylie Mole, Con the Fruiterer and Colin Carpenter became household names. The show became compulsory Sunday night viewing. Now, for the first time this DVD presents a collection of their greatest sketches in their original form: uncut and uncensored. There's Kylie, Con, Colin, The Langu...
In 1988 a group of unknown comedians burst onto the TV scene with a show that revolutionised Australian television - The Comedy Company. Overnight it became the highest rating series of the year. The characters - Kylie Mole, Con the Fruiterer and Colin Carpenter became household names. The show became compulsory Sunday night viewing. Now, for the first time this DVD presents a collection of their greatest sketches in their original form: uncut and uncensored. There's Kylie, Con, Colin, The Langu...
Kath & Kim turn more than just heads when they go on an overseas trip and end up being the centre of their very own fairytale....
Dylan discovers he has a talent for making paper planes. He has a chance to compete in a world championship, but he'll have to face bullies and self-doubt to do so....
Featuring freshly minted scenes with the whole gang as well as some never-before-seen moments and too many bloopers and blunders to count on a washing glove-covered hand....
An impulsive musician struggling with schizophrenia falls for a mysterious woman who may be all in his head. When she suddenly vanishes, he takes off on a cross- country journey across Australia to find her, forcing his long-suffering brother to try to rescue him....
Set over three summers at The Westival, a fictional West Australian rural folk festival redoubtable local radio personality ‘Queenie' describes as "Australia in a tent". Two young musicians fall in love against a wider collection of tales dealing with a microcosm of contemporary discussion points, including Indigenous, immigration and refugee issues....
John Stitt and Max Cameron are two boys fanatical for the card game "Battle Day Zero." One day the combination of a wild storm and a mysterious booster pack suddenly means they can bring Hiro, one of the game's characters into their world. Excited but worried their secret will be discovered, the boys decide to take Hiro to school where he is mistaken for a Japanese exchange student. Despite this temporary solution the portal being open means that more people and monsters from Hiro's world can tr...