Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in September 1967. The 100-episode series was quickly created by Hal Seeger, starting in 1966, to parody the popular Batman and The Green Hornet television series which had premiered the same year....
Felix and Oscar are two divorced men. Felix is neat and tidy while Oscar is sloppy and casual. They share a Manhattan apartment, and their different lifestyles inevitably lead to conflicts....
Dr. Joyce Reardon, a psychology professor, commissions a team of psychics and a gifted autistic girl to find out the truth about an old, supposedly haunted mansion called Rose Red....
Set at the turn of the century, this is the tale of Ellen Rimbauer who just received this mysterious mansion as a wedding gift from her new husband......
Elliot, a rare California condor, must find a hideaway for endangered animals before man drives them over the brink into extinction....
The story of a macho straight and a well-educated gay man who have to share an apartment at a half-way house for aids-patients. Slowly they become friends....
Heiress Joanna Stayton hires carpenter Dean Proffitt to build a closet on her yacht—and refuses to pay him for the project when it's done. But after Joanna accidentally falls overboard and loses her memory, Dean sees an opportunity to get even....
In comic Woody Allen's film debut, he took the Japanese action film "International Secret Police: Key of Keys" and re-dubbed it, changing the plot to make it revolve around a secret egg salad recipe....
In 1930s, hard-working girl Betty Boop sings at nights at her uncle Mischa's popular NY nightclub and dreams of marrying a posh rich playboy, Waldo. Gangster Johnny "Throat" and a nice hard-working ice-seller, Freddy, also woo her....