Nytt på nytt is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme Have I Got News for You, by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief...
Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway...
Nytt på nytt is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme Have I Got News for You, by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief...
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
Uti vår hage was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which had two different runs on TV in 2003 and 2008 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show starred the three well-known comedians: Atle Antonsen, Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The format of the show was one main storyline that would gradually branch off into several separate minor storylines. Two series of the show have been produced, and the second series carries the title Uti vår hage 2. The show has introduced popular c...
Uti vår hage was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which had two different runs on TV in 2003 and 2008 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show starred the three well-known comedians: Atle Antonsen, Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The format of the show was one main storyline that would gradually branch off into several separate minor storylines. Two series of the show have been produced, and the second series carries the title Uti vår hage 2. The show has introduced popular c...
Uti vår hage was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which had two different runs on TV in 2003 and 2008 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show starred the three well-known comedians: Atle Antonsen, Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The format of the show was one main storyline that would gradually branch off into several separate minor storylines. Two series of the show have been produced, and the second series carries the title Uti vår hage 2. The show has introduced popular c...
Norwegian sitcom about life on an idyllic street in Granli Norway, where the fences are low and neighborly relations close. Here we meet the residents who struggle with life's challenges big and small, trials all of us can relate to....
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
The year is 1985. A radical left-wing family crash lands on Oslo's west side. Here, they have to fight against capitalists, socialists, cable TV and a growing right-wing wave....
The film Twigson is all about a tough, naughty, quick-witted and brave boy. Lillebror has just moved, and has not made any new friends yet, when his imaginary friend – the wooden twig Knerten – appears in the middle of a pile of firewood......
The entire Norwegian police favorite is back!...
One day Kurt discovers that society does not respect forklift operators very much. He quits his job, and starts climbing the social ladder. He wants to be somebody, but when he doesn't have success in any of his projects, Kurt turns – evil....
When Lillebror's mother is mysteriously hurt in a biking accident, Lillebror and Knerten turn the town upside down trying to find the culprit....
I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men mor og far er bekymret for Lillebror. De har bodd i Bessby i et par måneder, men han har fremdeles ikke fått seg noen nye venner. Lillebror bryr seg ikke. Han liker ikke de andre guttene i gata uansett, og dessuten har han jo Knerten. De to gjør en avtale om ikke å ha noen andre venner. For alltid. Men en dag forsvinner Knerten sporløst…...
A warm-hearted stand-up show to perform and be as perfect as possible in everyday life and how it affected adolescence and adulthood. Pernille has a comedic timing that is worth gold. We just have to put himself comfortable and enjoy a performance many will recognize themselves in....
A fallen electrical cable zaps Ploddy the Police Car and grants him special powers, but his newfound energy brings new found responsibilities. Ploddy now has what it takes to stand up to the Badger Brothers - a shady duo plotting to steal and bottle the towns water supply. With the help of his friend, Dottie the Otter, Ploddy must defeat the criminals to save the town and the environment....
In the second animation film about Ploddy the Police Car, he stumbles on environmental criminals threatening rare animals when he is to meet the Crown princess. She's there to open a national with a majestic rare breeds of eagles. In the area there's been more and mare animals missing from the wildlife. Now Ploddy has to guard the eggs of the eagle, awaiting the eagle mother to come, while he investigates....