The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been sing...
Live from Bremen has been described as the successor to Casper and the Mandril Agreement, as the show has the Mandril Agreement's Lasse Rimmer and Lars Hjortshøj as permanent fixtures, as well as Casper Christensen as lead author and man of ideas. The show is broadcast live from Bremen, the former Private Theater in Copenhagen, and is followed by Casper Christensen's talk show ALOHA! sent from the same place. Live from Bremen is inspired by the American sketch and satire show Saturday Night Live...
Last chance to laugh at the past week before the next one hits you. Comedy show where the week's news and current trends are given the loving but firm treatment by Jonatan Spang....
The Eagle: A Crime Odyssey is a Danish police procedural television series produced by Danmarks Radio, created and written by Peter Thorsboe and Mai Brostrøm. The series debuted on 10 October 2004 in Denmark. It won an International Emmy Award from the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for best non-American television drama series in 2005. There were three seasons; the second season premiered in Denmark on 9 October 2005 and the third on 8 October 2006. The last episode ori...
Jonatan Spang fik sidste år det helt store gennembrud med showet og DVD’en Jonatan Spangs Familie. Nu er det tid til at grine med Jonatan igen. Jonatan Spang har længe ønsket at samle alle de optagelser, som findes af hans stand-up optrædender, der ikke tidligere har været på DVD. Men de skulle ikke samles og udgives på traditionel vis....
Efter sidste års stort anlagte tour Jonatan Spangs Familie, har du nu chancen for at se denne i mindre rammer og i en mere traditionel form – en god klassisk stand-up klubaften. Jonatan har lyst til at vende tilbage til rødderne, inden han skal tilbage på Nørrebro Teater og lave forestillinger til foråret.Titlen, “Spark i løgsuppen”, er taget fra en udtalelse som Pia Kærsgaard kom med tidligere i år. Hun udtalte, at hun gerne ville være kulturminister og udtalte sig i den forbindelse meget kriti...
Kalle, a nice middleclass kid, who because of a debt and old friendship ends up as a 'fidibus', a gofer, for the hash baron Paten. But only until Paten is anything but innocently jailed and asks Kalle to mind the store while he is gone. No one touches Paten's money, Paten's car or, least of all, Paten's girl, Saby, who is dumber than water....
Oplev Biblen fortalt, som du aldrig har hørt den før, i en blanding af skuespil, rap og komedy med tryllekunstneren Rune Klan, rapperne Blæs Bukki og Tue Track, stand-up komikeren Linda P. og teaterdirektøren Jonatan Spang....
I efteråret 2005 tournerede Jonatan Spang landet rundt med sit første one (wo)man comedy show ”DAMER”. Showet er optaget i Store Vega i København. Hvorfor har græske statuer så små tissemænd? Hvorfor er kønsrolledebatten kun spændende, når man kalder koner for kællinger?...
Jonatan Spang's second one man show....
Erik Nietzsche is an intelligent but in many ways inexperienced shy young man who is convinced that he wants to be a film director. In the late 1970s, Erik is accepted by the Danish National Film School where he enters a world of angry and unhelpful tutors, weird fellow students and unwritten rules. In this both exhilarating and angst-provoking period for him, Erik feels increasingly like a foreigner in the film industry. Frequently, he is merely an observer of the absurdities that surround him....
Show from Jan Gintberg's fourth stand-up comedy tour "Den grimme melding" in 2004, this year with assistance from Jonatan Spang....
Four rogues, who were best friends as kids, have one big problem: they're sitting on both sides of the law. Martin is a policeman, while Nikolai, Ralf, and Timo can't distinguish between personal possessions and the possessions of others! When all four find themselves in a fix, they're forced to return to their former tricks against a common foe, Mr Niemeyer. Martin is not as successful, however, either at his job or marriage, and thinks he deserves a better life. Now he sees an opportunity to s...
Just as David and Freja arrive at their newly bought country house close to the Cliffs of Møn the harmony is disturbed by an inexplicably suicide. When David realizes that their new craftsman Roar is linked to the person who fell of the cliff he starts being suspicious. David is also certain that Roar is hitting on Freja. She denies this and all Davids theories. David joins forces with the widow Veronica to solve the case and prove to Freja that he is right. But the closer he gets the truth the ...
This sequel to the box office hit All for One finds the previously tight-knit trio dispersed: Nikolai is on parole, while brothers Ralf and Timo are planning a heist involving the unlikely combination of unsalted butter, a strict diet and a helicopter. When their seemingly impossible heist succeeds, Nikolai asks to borrow some money to start over. The brothers reject him, but when all three of them are tricked by a fish-loving banking executive, they are forced to team up again....
Jonatan Spang want to marry. After "Women" and "Family" has become wedding time. In Jonatan Spang's new one man show, "Jonatan Spang's Wedding" which premieres on Sept. 5, 2013, everything is ready for the big event. Missing only one thing: the bride. Jonatan Spang has been around. But now he is free of all (214) previous relationship, and finally ready to put the ring on your finger. The church is commissioned, the speech largely written, and the champagne is on ice. In fact, only a small ...
Mark (Casper Crump) and Laura (Mille Lehfeldt) are lovers. He is a singer in a failed boyband. She is getting tired of playing second fiddle to the relationship. But one day Laura is measured by the talent seeker Aslan, and it turns out that she is unbelievably talented. Laura becomes confident and successful. At the same time, Mark’s career is going downhill. Mark discovers that talent can not only be measured but also stolen by Aslan’s machine. In the name of love Mark sucks all of the talent ...
Zulu Comedy Galla is a Danish Comedy Award show shown on TV2 Zulu once a year. At the show the Comedian of the year and "Läkerols Talentpris" are awarded and three new comedians attempts to make it in to the comedy scene....
Nikolaj is now an civilian, and likes his new job as preschool-teacher. Timo is seperate from his Wife Lonnine, and the social workers threats to break his rigtg to see his son Heino. If is not pay five yeas "child-support-money" with he has not paid. One day the brother father Arno, dies and they find out the have an unknowen brother in Italy, with is the sole seated legacy to the motorcycle, and the heist goes to steal it....
A manager of an orphanage in India is sent to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he discovers a life-altering family secret....
After a four-year break from the stand-up stage, Jonatan Spang is now returning to his roots with a new stand-up show. With ‘TYPICAL JONATAN SPANG’, he focuses on the whole world and not least himself with ordinary devilish violence, reprimanding observations and his sense of good timing....