Garbage Pail Kids is a Canadian-American cartoon series which was produced in 1987, based on the popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, produced and directed by Bob Hathcock and co-written and developed by Flint Dille. Due to controversial themes, it never aired in the United States. However, it did air in most countries in Europe....
The Ewok Wicket and his friends from the Bright Tree Village go on many magical adventures....
C.O.P.S. is an American animated television series released by DIC Entertainment and Celebrity Home Entertainment. This cartoon, which ran from 1988–1989, used the tag line: "Fighting crime in a future time, protecting Empire City from Big Boss and his gang of crooks". In 1993, the series was shown in reruns on CBS Saturday mornings as CyberCOPS, the name change due to the 1989 debut of the unrelated primetime reality show of the same name. The show was based on Hasbro's 1988 line of action figu...
The Edison Twins is a Canadian children's television program which aired on CBC Television from 1982 to 1986. The Disney Channel also picked up the rights in the mid-1980s. 6 seasons were produced by Nelvana. It starred Andrew Sabiston and Marnie McPhail as fraternal twins Tom and Annie Edison, Sunny Besen Thrasher as their mischievous little brother Paul, and Milan Cheylov as their bumbling friend Lance Howard. Brian George stars as their police officer friend Sgt. Paganee. The show focused on...
The New Archies is a children's television cartoon, based upon the long-running Archie comic books and characters. The series, produced by DIC Entertainment and originally airing on NBC, re-imagined Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and the other teenage students of Riverdale High School as pre-teens in junior high. Thirteen episodes of the show were produced, which all aired during the show's first and only season in 1987 and were repeated in 1989. A sh...
Wicket remembers four memorable adventures from his youth: how he fixed up his great grandfather's battle wagon, the occasion when Latara ran away from the Ewok village to join the traveling Jindas, the time his father Deej fell terrible ill and the story of Kneesa's long lost sister, Asha....
This animated adventure goes back in time to the Care Bears' first-ever Caring Mission, when True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse touch down on Earth to boost the spirits of some unhappy kids at summer camp. But the evil Dark Heart has other plans, and convinces one of the campers to help him capture the Care Bears. Will our lovable heroes' Care Stare be enough to vanquish the villain -- and convince his apprentice that good's the way to go?...
Letting Go stars John Ritter as a widower and Sharon Gless as a lonely unmarried woman. They meet during a group-therapy session. Romance is inevitable, but the road to true happiness is pockmarked by a series of comic complications. Advertised as a straight romantic drama, Letting Go is actually more akin to the screwball comedies of the 1930s, with a strong satirical bent regarding "behavior modification" theories. The made-for-TV film debuted May 11, 1985....