Lucky is an Indian television fantasy-drama series that aired on Star Plus between 2007 and 2009. The show is about a man named Lucky produced by Sagar Arts Productions and directed by Nisser Parvej. He runs a fake antique store. One day he finds out he is the fifth Rakshak. After that incident in every episode he goes on an adventure to save antiques with the help of Inder Mohan Sharma, a 500-year-old ghost, Captain Paswan and Acharya Joshi....
When Aditi Amre becomes involved in the high-profile death case of actress Vibha Dutta, she discovers the horrible secrets that Vibha has been keeping hidden underneath her public persona. Is it a Murder or a Suicide?...
In this classic take of love and heartbreak, Saras and Kumud are soulmates who are repeatedly denied the joy of being together. Will destiny bring them together?...
Mera Naam Karegi Roshan is an Indian television series that airs on Zee TV, based on the story of a daughter and her crusade against injustice and inequality. On November 26, 2010 it was announced that Mera Namm Karegi Roshan was canceled due to lack of ratings. The final episode aired on December 9, 2010....
Maan Rahe Tera Pitaah is an Indian television drama series which premiered on Sony Entertainment Television on June 1, 2010. The story is of a girl named Anmol who fights the society for the respect and honor of her father....
The story revolves around one of the best archer of the Mahabharata, Karna and narrates the entire story of Mahabharata from Karna and Pandavas' birth to the eventual crowning of Karna in the Swarga. The show covers the life journey of Karna on his way to becoming a great warrior....
This talent show features a huge variety of talent ranging from the mundane to the bizarre from heart-stopping feats to the seemingly impossible giving Indians a platform to showcase their talents like no other....
Once in every 144 years Mahakumb Amrit makes an appearance. To guard it, 7 saviors are born and have supernatural powers....
Kaal Bhairav Rahasya is an Indian mystery-thriller television series airing on Star Bharat since 30 October 2017. The show is shot in Bhopal and stars Rahul Sharma, Sargun Kaur, Chhavi Pandey and Ahwaan Kumar in lead roles....
A film unit goes for a shoot deep into a forest, they settle at a place with bare minimal facilities run by a strange and quirky man called Setu....
Jimmy, a crime boss, owes allegiance to his elder brother, Raghav, and introduces his friends, Bandya and Sameer, into the gang. Soon, Bandya is killed and Jimmy sets out to avenge his death....
A woman uncovers a dark tale when she investigates the mysterious death of a famous actress....
A love triangle where everybody is blackmailing the other two gets a nasty upset when one of them is suddenly found murdered....
Based on the true incident of the 2002 terrorist attack in Gujarat's Akshardham temple, the story revolves around the bravery of NSG commandos, who stood up for their country and their people in the worst of times....