Atlantika is a Filipino telefantasya produced by GMA Network about the fictional undersea kingdom of Atlantika. The series premiered on October 2, 2006 and ended on February 9, 2007. A behind-the-scenes introductory special, Atlantika: Ang Lihim ng Karagatan, was aired on October 1, 2006. The series' tagline is "Two different worlds. One eternal love."...
Captain Barbell is a 2011 superhero Philippine drama adapted from Mars Ravelo's fictional superhero of the same name; directed by Dominic Zapata and developed by Jake Tordesillas. It is the second series based on the graphic novels by Mars Ravelo. It stars Richard Gutierrez, who reprises the role of the title role and its alter-ego Enteng, after playing him in the 2006 series. The show premiered on March 28, 2011. The show premiered on GMA Pinoy TV on March 30, 2011, two days after its original ...
Forever is a Filipino drama series created by Jun Lana, developed by Kit Villanueva-Langit and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on January 21, 2013 on GMA Telebabad block and January 24, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series headlines Heart Evangelista, Geoff Eigenmann and Gloria Romero. It executive produced by Kaye Atienza-Cadsawan and under the direction of Ricky Davao. The show narrates the magical love story of ill-fated lovers, Adora and Ramon and their quest to continue their ...
Faithfully is a Filipino drama series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the direction of Michael Tuviera and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and Marc Abaya as the lead characters with Michelle Madrigal, Isabel Oli, Vaness del Moral and Isabelle Daza. This series premiered on June 18, 2012, replacing Broken Vow on GMA Afternoon Prime block and June 21, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series centers on the life of Stella, who uncovers her husban...
Daldalita is a Philippine drama-fantasy-musical TV series produced by GMA Network. It stars child actress Jillian Ward in the title role, with Ogie Alcasid, Manilyn Reynes, Rufa Mae Quinto, love team Elmo Magalona and Julie Anne San Jose and with the special participation of '90s hit singer/actress Donna Cruz. It is directed by Don Michael Perez and it premiered October 17, 2011. The series concluded on February 3, 2012, it ran for 16 weeks with 80 episodes in all. It will be replaced by Alice ...
Jessie is a naive writer who gets swindled out of everything she owns, including her house, by her brother, Donald, and his pregnant girlfriend, Lisette. Stranded in Prague, she manages to borrow money from the famous actor Justin Lazatin to return to the Philippines. On her return, she finds her house was bought by Justin. Then, big news breaks that he will marry someone. Justin has a big problem, so he asks Jessie to fake a marriage. They agree to stay married for 1 year, enough time to repay ...
The battle starts during the Spanish era when Apo Abukay (Gardo Versoza) wants to gain power as he plans to dominate the world. He then failed to fulfill his plans after Conde Vergonze killed him. After his death, his cursed soul remains. Many years later, during the 1980s, Karag-ayan Amelia (Lorna Tolentino) and the Binhi-lan Rodolfo (Jestoni Alarcon) fall in love with each other. Amelia gives birth to twin boys. The two are raised separately, not knowing that the other exists. Miguel (the son ...
I Luv NY, is a television program of GMA Network. This is the first Philippine TV soap taped in New York City. The show is shot in different locations in New York, where the four main characters lived and encountered many problems and adventures. The series received a viewership rating of 33.4% for its whole run. From March 4, 2011 until June 30, 2011 the series re-aired on GMA Life TV worldwide....
Five people looking for different kinds of love—the tough boss, the reliable practicumer, the career-driven assistant, the hardworking secretary, and the humorous company driver. Failures might stop them in their search, but love finds its way....
Based on a true story and set in one of the most colorful periods in Philippine history, ROSARIO is destined to be a modern masterpiece in Philippine filmmaking. It is a monumental yet intimate portrait of a woman's emancipation and the sometimes painful consequencesof following one's desires....
Rafael - a rich guy whose luck suddenly turned upside down after losing everything. When he needed to get his life back on track, he met Isak - the instant rich girl from the province. Rafael becomes her business adviser and uses her to become rich again only to find out that she'll change him more than he expected...
Marco has found the perfect girl in Divina. Though they've only spoken on the phone, they're convinced they're meant to be together. One problem: Divina's living in 1957 and Marco in 2006....
Marriages gone wrong. Divorces gone right....
A Filipino-American man hires a translator to help translate a letter he wrote for the woman that broke his heart....
The true story of Andres Bonifacio, a man who rose as a leader in the fight against the Spanish oppressors, and would gain the enmity of even those fighting for the same cause....